A.J. Hill (Muad'Dib)

Friends of Muad'Dib

[2010 Dec] The Political Persecution of a 7/7 Truther

[Video "7/7 Ripple Effect"]  The times of the trains and tube-trains, on that day, have been carefully checked. ....It was therefore impossible for any of the four accused Muslims to have caught the tube trains that blew up.  If we have at least three of the four "suicide bombers" being shot-dead at Canary Wharf, and we KNOW they weren't on the tube-trains, because the 07:40 AM train from Luton to King's Cross was cancelled that day, and the photo of them outside Luton Station at 07:21:54 AM is a fake, and that Hasib Hussain was part of the mock-terrorism exercise, then we have overwhelming proof that the four accused Muslims were patsies, and are innocent, and that it was an inside-job, and that, like Lee Harvey Oswald, they too have been murdered, to silence them. Whether the bombings were done by MI5, the Israeli Mossad, or both of them, and/or others has yet to be determined, but the one thing we can be sure of, is that it was NOT done by four young Muslims.

Release AJ Hill Campaign Blog

[2011 May] Britain's 9-11 Cover Up: WHAT WILL BECOME OF US?  The first person to present an alternative and more credible narrative for 7/7 was Yorkshireman Anthony John Hill, in his documentary ‘7/7 The Ripple Effect’ (this is a must-see. Please watch if you don't know the film). Hill, a very unusual character in many ways, has renamed himself Muad’Dib, after a character in Frank Herbert’s sci-fi epic ‘Dune’. It is his basically his interpretation of events that have been presented above, excepting that ‘Dib did not know of the pregnancy problems of Khan’s wife, nor about the 4.35 text-messages, nor Khan’s failure to contact his wife after leaving her on the evening of the 5th of July at the time of making his film.
When a group of ‘Islamic terrorists’, allegedly associates of Khan, went on trial for offences in 2008 at Kingston Crown Court, Hill posted two copies of his DVD to the court. One envelope was addressed to the judge, the other to the foreman of the jury. Neither DVD reached its target but shortly afterwards a request for Hill to be extradited from Ireland (he lived in Kells, County Meath at the time) was sent to the Irish Ministry of Justice. The request was successful and Hill was collected by a British policeman, accompanied across the water and incarcerated in Wandsworth prison shortly before the start of the 7/7 Inquest.
Hill relates, amusingly, that he asked the policeman in whose charge he was placed, “Have you watched my film.” The constable replied, “Yes.” “What did you think of it?” asked Hill. The PC offered a look that was wide-eyed and grim. Hill asked him, “Shouldn’t you be arresting Tony Blair and not me?” and the policeman sheepishly went back to reading his newspaper.
Hill made immediate applications for bail but was only released once the Inquest was finished.
His documentary has been copied and handed out at mosques to thousands of Muslims in the UK. Most Muslims now believe ‘The Four’ to be innocent, largely because of ‘Dib’s work. The authorities were obviously determined he would not upset the 7/7 Inquest operation by getting his film into the hands of family members, press and God knows who else. This man scares them and has suffered accordingly. His case is being heard in Southwark Crown Court on next Monday Morning 9th May 2011.