E coli
Food Inc The Diseases

[There is more E coli in factory fed Dairy Cows, and Bottle-fed children.]

See: Gut flora  Dairy Cows

The Role of Pasteurization by Nina Planck  It is striking that outbreaks of diseases such as salmonella have risen steadily since pasteurization became standard. No one is certain why. Salmonella and E. coli do thrive under the conditions typical in factory farms, including grain-feeding, crowding, and rapid, mechanized slaughter. Overuse of antibiotics on factory farms has also led to resistance to common antibiotics in strains of salmonella, campylobacter, and E. coli.

SLEEPING POSITION, FORMULA FEEDING, ENDOTOXIN AND SIDS Robert C Reisinger (1995)  Formula fed infants have 1,000 to 10,000 times more E. coli in their g.i. tracts than do breast fed infants.

Indigestion pills taken by millions of Britons could triple stomach bug risk

    20 years ago, the research was quite conclusive about breast-fed babies. They didn't usually die of SIDS.  There are records of some "breastfed" babies dying, but if you look at them, those babies also received supplementary formula bottles.  Anyone who has read my paper will know that one formula bottle will create an alkaline environment, and also raises the babies basal temperature by over 1 degree for nearly two weeks.  One bottle of formula wreaks such intestinal havoc that it puts these babies bacterial flora into a completely different catagory to totally breastfed babies.
        A breastfed baby has an acid ph in the gut, and its basal temperature is lower and the bacterial flora is totally different  Bottlefed baby have alkaline guts, 1,000 ties more E.Coli and different bacterial balance, no breastmilk immune system and a higher body temperature.  Bottle fed babies also sleep much longer, and are typically "zonked" after a bottle.  Put this together with sleeping on the stomach.  Stomach sleeping babies get much hotter than back-sleeping babies because there is less skin area exposed for heat exchange.
      The one thing in babies, which can and does respond dramatically to heat, is E.Coli.  The outer coating is toxic, but normally trapped by the liver and dealt with.  Humans are exquisitely sensitive to this endotoxin, and the group of babies that have the highest numbers (one thousand times more actually) are bottle-fed babies.  E.Coli replicates in heat and alkaline conditions.  It is a heat-loving putrefactive bacteria which thrives on formula and in heat - the hotter, the better......breast-milk not only keeps e.coli at bay, and has compounds which fight it, breast milk switches on and educates the immune system of the gut, which is the key barrier between the environment and the body.  A bottle-fed baby is not only way behind the 8-ball, it is hotter, has one thousand times the number of E.Coli than breast-fed babies, and is 'deprived of the maternally supplied defences against E.Coli.  And even so, most of these babies do not die of cot death. Hilary Butler

"One bottle of formula is enough to change a baby’s gut dramatically, and it takes two weeks of breastfeeding to return the gut back to normal. (Personal communication, Dr Robert Reisinger) How can this happen? E Coli is the main culprit. This bacteria is a putrifactive protein loving bacteria. The protein content of human breast milk is lower than in any other mammal, and the protein content of formula or any other milk supplement has a direct influence on the numbers of E Coli in the gut . Not only does the acid gut and very low protein content of breastmilk provide a more hostile environment for E Coli, but breastmilk also contain neutralising factors against E Coli.
    Several studies have shown that babies who died of SIDS have a high prevalence of E Coli in the flora of the gut. Some suggest that the E coli "have acquired a plasmid which confers toxigenicity" (Med J Aust, 1989, Vol 151, pg 538) But E. Coli is intrinsically toxic. The outer coating (lipopolysaccharide) is the toxic component, but the key to the toxicity level is the speed with which it can multiply, given the right circumstances. These factors include bottle feeding (which results inmore gram negative bacteria, and a protein and alkaline level favouring E Coli), stress, overheating, viruses, vitamin deficiencies AND the suppressive actions of vaccines on the reticuloendothelial system.
    In 1974, Dr Robert Reisinger presented a paper at an International SIDS conference. He quoted many authors who found SIDS predominantly among bottle-fed babies. Included in the authors quoted (but not referenced) was Shirley Tonkin from New Zealand:
"Tonkin reported that in her series of 86 SIDS cases, only two were breast-fed. Since twenty-five percent of her control population were breast fed, she should have had 21 cases of SIDS in breast-fed infants if the risk were the same in both breast-fed and bottle-fed."
"Coombs stated that if SIDS were relatively as common in the breast-fed as in the bottle-fed infant he should have had 17 breast-fed cases in his series, whereas at that time he had not one."---
Hilary Butler