Fosamax Type Osteoporosis Drugs Noted to Cause Serious Eye Problems

Drugs commonly prescribed to osteoporosis and cancer patients may cause serious inflammation in several regions of the eye in some patients. Researchers hope the finding will make physicians more likely to monitor patients for such eye problems as well as prompt drug companies to add warning labels to their products.

Two medications in a class of drugs called bisphosphonates, which are often used to increase bone density in patients with osteoporosis, were found to cause the serious side effects in the eyes of some patients. The drugs are also prescribed to cancer patients, as lung, breast or prostate cancer that has spread to the bones can also decrease bone density.

Researchers reviewed thousands of cases in which patients were prescribed bisphosphonates and tracked 314 patients who also reported eye problems. Although the side effects were rare and did not occur in most patients, some types of eye inflammation can lead to vision loss or blindness if left untreated.

Of the patients who reported side effects, close to 100 suffered from blurred vision. Other problems included pain and swelling.

Researchers noted that the side effects went away when patients stopped taking the medication.

New England Journal Medicine March 20, 2003;348(12):1187-8

Dr. Mercola's Comment

It is very rare where a drug-based solution to a chronic degenerative health condition is the answer. As this study shows, it is fraught with potential side effects.

Hardly any doctors who prescribe Fosamax even understand how it works, which is by killing the osteoclast cells in your bone. These cells are important for the dynamic balance of remodeling your bone. The osteoclasts actually remove bone, but they work in conjunction with the osteoblasts to increase bone density.

So short-sighted traditional medicine takes the violent war approach and decides to poison and kill these cells so only the osteoblasts are left and supposedly the bone strength increases.

While it would be nice if this were true, it just doesn’t seem to work that way.

Most physicians don’t have any clue that these biphosphanate drugs are toxic poisons that contain the same type of chemicals that are used to remove soap scum from your bathtub.

Fortunately, you don’t have to expose yourself to these poisonous drugs--there are non-drug solutions like healthy calcium in raw dairy, vitamin D from cod liver oil and vitamin K.

Always remember omega-3 fats are essential to your, and your children's, health. The best source for omega-3 is fish oil and cod liver oil, as, unlike other sources such as walnuts or flax seeds, it is high in two fatty acids crucial to human health, DHA and EPA. These two fatty acids are pivotal in preventing heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases. The human brain is also highly dependent on DHA--low DHA levels have been linked to depression, schizophrenia, memory loss, and a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's.

When choosing your fish oil or cod liver oil, it is important to remember that not all brands are the same. In my research--and in my clinical experience with my patients--I have found that:

1) the liquid form is superior to capsules
2) that certain brands definitely seem inferior to others
3) that the Carlson's brand of fish oil/cod liver oil is of an exceptional quality and purity.

It is likely not the only brand in the world of such high quality, but up to this point it is the only one of such quality that I can recommend, so I now offer the Carlson's fish oil and cod liver oil on; you can also check your local health food store to see if they carry it.

As for fish itself, patients consuming nearly every type of fish these days are showing high levels of mercury in their systems. In short--and sadly, as it would otherwise be one of the healthiest meats on the planet--I now advise against consuming most fish from any source, including fresh water, farm-raised or ocean, because most are contaminated with mercury. If you do consume fish, you should be certain the provider can demonstrate that the fish are free of detectable levels of mercury and other toxins (Carlson's fish oil/cod liver oil has been entirely purified so you don't have to worry about these toxins.)

Early last year we did an extensive testing on the fish from a company that takes the salmon from the interior of Alaska and were surprised and delighted to find that the mercury levels were virtually unmeasurable.

So, if you enjoy salmon, which is very high in omega-3 with DHA and EPA, half as much as I do and are concerned about mercury damaging your brain, then please consider the Alaskan salmon that I have been able to arrange to distribute.

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