You have probably heard about Sarafem. This is the new name for Prozac
which is being marketed to women for the trumped up DSM IV diagnosis PMDD.
PMDD is of course nothing other than PMS. It was approved by the APA for
inclusion in the DSM IV after a long struggle in which it was bitterly
opposed by many feminist groups. This July (the same month that Lilly
lost the patent on Prozac) they got the FDA to approve Prozac for the
treatment of PMDD and give it the trade name Sarafem. They made 2.9 billion dollars
on Prozac and I think that this is how they plan to cover the decrease in
revenue that will come from losing the patent
They have launched a full scale advertising campaign, that is the most
deceitful  campaign you can possible imagine. They are spending untold millions on
it, and saturating all areas of the media. Their Web site is something to
behold and will forever be thought of as the height of deception.
Their theme is that Sarafem helps you be more like the woman you are and
they are positioning themselves as the company that is finally listening to the
needs of women.