[back] Danish study

Another Comment on Danish Study:
Mercury Not Addressed, Not Controlled, Not Irrelevant

     Dr. Rimland also took the opportunity to comment on the controversial
Danish study, rejecting it as "another propaganda piece intended to assuage
the public's concerns rather than shed light on the MMR-Autism connection."
He continues:

    "The report starts out by saying that it has been 'suggested' that
there is a connection between vaccination and autism, trivializing the
substantial body of clinical and laboratory evidence for such a connection.
By saying 'it has been suggested', it does not impress me with the
objectivity of the authors.  I was also very disappointed to see that the
authors failed to mention that the mercury-containing Thimerosal is not
included in the pediatric vaccines used in Denmark.  That is a crucial
omission . . .it precludes their findings from being considered applicable
to the US population where the children's immune systems, brains and
gastrointestinal systems have been subjected to many times the supposedly
'safe' level of mercury because of mercury-laden vaccines.
     "The fact that the Danish study reports much lower (50%) prevalence
rate for autism in their country than the current US figures is a likely
result of their having banned Thimerosal from their vaccines, and reinforces
the inapplicability of their findings to the US population." - Bernard
Rimland, ARI