Urine therapy


In the thick jungle...

“A snake, most probably a copperhead, pressed its teeth deep into my lower leg. Blood was streaming out ­ the distance to the next hospital was at least one hour. Certainly, I remembered my mention on the front cover of my book and treated myself with the miracle juice [urine]. I went to the hospital and continued my treatment but had to give some of my urine to the doctor for analysis. The effect of the bite was to our surprise minimal. I left hospital without ‘modern’ treatment, on my own feet and not in a wooden box.”

Urine: The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze


“Following the first All India Conference in 1993, I met a man who had been bitten twice by cobras. I am sorry I didn’t get the exact details of his treatment. How did you handle your snakebite... in detail? I kind of vaguely recall he had a local doctor inject the region of the bite along with drinking his urine and applying it topically. Urea has a mild de­naturing effect on proteins. That may be one of the mechanisms of the antidote. Our house has always a lot of brown recluse spiders. I don’t worry much about them... maybe its because I know pee.”

Urine: The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze


From B.J.K.

“I would like to share from personal experience, an effective remedy for treatment of poisonous bites and stings.

Firstly about two years ago I was stung by a blue bottle jellyfish (Portuguese Man­O­War) while body surfing (unfortunately I had just relieved myself in the surf). I came straight home and rubbed some old urine into the site. (I always keep some 1­2 days old), the pain diminished to negligible in a matter of minutes, and with a second application half an hour later, the pain and the red welts caused by the sting completely disappeared.

Secondly, I was bitten on the back of my hand by a funnel web spider about a year ago: the pain was excruciating. My hand swelled up near twice the size in a matter of minutes. I went straight inside and filled a glass full of urine and drank it (fortunately, I had a full bladder) and rubbed some old urine (from same morning). The pain went instantly and I was able to work after lunch for the next four hours as a massage therapist, although the swelling remained for about 48 hours ­­ it didn’t move past my wrist and I had no systemic effect.”

Urine: The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze


"Lord Sushrut has mentioned auto­urine as an anti­poisonous substance and a good tonic. Snake­charmers keep a bowlful of urine handy while catching a snake so that he may be able to drink and apply it without loss of time in case of a snake bite. Jain monks say that one who drinks urine regularly for six months becomes immune to snake­ poison. The same is the opinion of many other sadhus."

Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel

Snake bite Zapper
On the way to that spot, I was bitten by a rattlesnake and the wound was bleeding. I had a sense that I was going to be fine, so I continued on around the giant sandstone outcrop to find Ryan (and the two other fellows) and when I got back to the Jeep I was going to put my zapper on the snakebite to take care of the poison, which is what happened. [Aug 10, 2004] Juicing at the Devil's Punchbowl, Part 2 by Don Croft

For the last few years that I have know the zapper, I came to observe that most of the middle age women here in Lodwer like zapper till one time one of them testify to me that she hardly do without zapper for zappers had been helping them to control some of the local diseases like headache, poisons and some allergic sicknesses.
Of late one of the women was bitten by a snake we never bothered taking her to the hospital but to tie for her the zapper for two days and now she is well.

For the last few years that I have know the zapper, I came to observe that most of the middle age women here in Lodwer like zapper till one time one of them testify to me that she hardly do without zapper for zappers had been helping them to control some of the local diseases like headache, poisons and some allergic sicknesses.
Of late one of the women was bitten by a snake we never bothered taking her to the hospital but to tie for her the zapper for two days and now she is well.

yesterday a woman went to fetch firewood in the forest un fortunately she was bitten by a snake we were passing there along the road and we tied a that problem we tied a Zapper around the sank s wound when the woman was tying searching for herbal medicine The Zapper cleared  the poison after three hours. Then that woman recovered