
Medical Pioneer of the 20th Century


a book by Dr Kalokerinos ISBN 0646408526 ISBN 0646408526

Foreword by Dr. Ian Dettman  Ph.D. (Biochem), F.R.M.I.T. (Microbiol, Biochem, Genetics), ND.

Foreword............................................................................ in
Acknowledgements........................................................... vi
Introduction....................................................................... x
Understanding Vitamin C and Scurvy............................... xii
A Challenge.................................................................... xviii
Statement......................................................................... xx
A Disclaimer.................................................................... xxi
Contents.......................................................................... xxii
Part 1: The first forty years -
From childhood to a search for reason................. 1
1.... My Father and Mother................................................. 2
2.... Childhood................................................................... 9
3.... Medical School.......................................................... 20
4.... The Intern.................................................................. 28
5.... Ships Surgeon............................................................ 39
6 ..... Merry England........................................................ 46
7.... Homeward Bound..................................................... 56
8.... Collarenebri............................................................... 59
9.... The Aborigines.......................................................... 72
10 ... Infant Deaths.......................................................... 77
11.... Opal Fever.............................................................. 83
12    ... The Opal Miner....................................................... 92
13 ... Strange Happenings............................................... 104
14    ... Opal Formation...................................................... 106
15 ... The Multimillion Dollar Game of Chess-
Coober Pedy Style............................................... Ill
16    ... The Great Opal Robbery........................................ 118
17 ... The Fascination of Opal........................................ 143
18 ... The Dreamtime Beckons....................................... 155

Part 2:   The road to discovery is paved with suffering -
And it has no end.................................................. 168
19 .... The Dramatic Solution.......................................... 169
20     .... The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 'SIDS'......... 175
21 .... The Trial of Nancy Young.................................... 192
22     .... The Response....................................................... 206
23     .... GlenDettman........................................................ 212
24     .... The Twins............................................................. 234
25     .... Zinc, The Second Miracle..................................... 239
26     .... Research and Conspiracy..................................... 252
27     .... ThePintibiTribe..................................................... 258
28     .... Fred Hollows........................................................ 270
29     .... Vaccine Dangers................................................... 288
30     .... Sore Ears (Otitis media)........................................ 301
31     .... A Dramatised Documentary................................. 314
32     .... Queensland........................................................... 318
33     .... The Swine Flu Vaccine - Mafia Connection......... 324
34     .... The Cancer Cure that Wasn't................................ 334
35     .... Marriage............................................................... 343
36     .... The Aboriginal Medical Service............................ 346
37     .... Peter Campbell - Aboriginal Death In Custody..... 364
38     .... The Dark Disease of Naples................................. 370
39     .... Good News........................................................... 377
40     .... Country Practice................................................... 381
41     .... North to Alaska.................................................... 396
42     .... Shaken Babies...................................................... 403
43     .... The Australian Nanny - Justice Denied................. 434
44     .... A Judgement......................................................... 452
45     .... Epilogue............................................................... 457

"The role of vaccines, particularly the whole-cell pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine can be understood when it is realised that this vaccine contains a variable and uncontrollable amount of endotoxin that is injected and absorbed, unaltered, into the blood. It does not even go first to the liver where attempts to detoxify it could be made. If an infant happens to be particularly sensitive to endotoxin when the vaccine is injected, brain damage or death can result....It should be now apparent that any infant with gastrointestinal problems - abnormal organisms, intestinal parasites, loose bowel motions resulting from the use of antibiotics, and malabsorption of food (including lactose intolerance) - is liable, when further stressed, to produce endotoxin and this can end in a SIDS....If the Vitamin C status of an infant is borderline, the administration of a vaccine, particularly (but not only) pertussis vaccine, can result in endotoxaemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need for Vitamin C, and the precipitation of some of the signs and/or symptoms of acute scurvy. The onset of this may be so rapid that the classical signs of scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden spontaneous bruising and haemorrhage (including brain and retinal haemorrhages) may occur. Haemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the ‘battered baby syndrome’."---Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p186

One day I was consulted by a young man who had cardiomyopathy - a degenerative disease of the heart muscle which, when severe, usually means that a heart transplant is the only hope for survival. He had been through the usual procedures, was obviously extremely ill and was on the waiting list for a suitable donor heart.
   I had read somewhere about an 'epidemic' of a particular form of cardiomyopathy in China where it was found that selenium supplements resulted in cures. I had also read about another form of this disease in New Zealand, occurring in sheep that were deficient in various trace elements. Therefore, I decided to try a broad mixture of various vitamins and minerals - Vitamin C, Vitamin E, B-Group Vitamins, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Selenium and cod-liver oil. The patient stopped smoking, began to eat 'good' food and with the cooperation of his wife lead a good life-style. Slowly, at first, he began to improve, then this became obvious to an extent where the heart was functioning at 80% of normal. Eventually he was able to lead a normal life - working and without any apparent heart problems.
          Naturally, I was curious and pleased. So when I was confronted by an elderly gentleman with severe cardiomyopathy of rapid onset I decided to 'give him the works'. His heart, on the X-Ray was enormous and there was an extreme degree of cardiac failure. Response was dramatic. By the time he saw a specialist in Sydney a few weeks later his heart was of normal size and all was well.
         Now two cases do not represent much of a statistical study and there are many forms, therefore causes, of cardiomyopathy but it was obvious to me that I had come across something of enormous importance. Naturally, I tried to interest the cardiologists but this was a total waste of time. They had seen my patients, they could not offer an explanation for the 'cures' but their attitude remained hostile.
     During the next few years I treated several more patients with similar dramatic responses. No doubt, if I saw more patients I would eventually come across some where causes were different and results would, therefore, not be good but it so happened that I never had a failure. To this day, unfortunately, my colleagues remain entrenched in scepticism."---Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p393

"A ‘cold’, a viral infection, or anything that disturbs immune responses can result in subtle changes in the gram negative bacterial flora of the the gut, stimulating them to produce endotoxin. This is absorbed into the blood stream, not adequately detoxified, and results in inflammatory responses in the mucous membrane linings of the middle ear............ that endotoxin is the initial cause of the inflammatory response in acute otitis media............ Dr Robert Reisinger in America had first alerted me to this group of substances and their relationship to SIDS......The reason why proper breast-feeding provides a known and large amount of protection against otitis media becomes obvious. Breast-feeding tends to prevent the overgrowth of abnormal forms of intestinal organisms that tend, under certain conditions, to produce endotoxin........Finally, there are two substances that are known to be effective as rapid detoxifiers of endotoxin - Vitamin C and erythromycin -they are both in ‘Archie’s triple injection’.  The relationship between SIDS, sudden unexplained shock, sudden unexplained unconsciousness, and otitis media is worthy of consideration. If endotoxin is the ‘cause’ of otitis and also the ‘cause’ of SIDS, sudden unexplained unconsciousness and unexplained shock — as I now know (at least there is a association), then otitis media should be found in a significant number of SIDS cases. That this is so is clearly demonstrated in a number of reported studies. "---Dr Kalokerinos MD (p311 Medical Pioneer)

"I once attended, as a guest of the professor of paediatncs, a ‘clinical pathology’ session in one of Australia’s leading children’s hospitals Such meetings are a routine in all major hospitals A case that was not properly diagnosed before death is selected for discussion.  The particular case that day concerned a very young baby who suddenly developed respiratory distress and died.    One pediatrician after another expressed an opinion about the cause.    Someone thought that the problem was an unrecognised congenital heart defect.   Someone else thought it was asthma.  The discussion went on for sometime.   Then the pathologist told the meeting that the autopsy had revealed ‘pneumonia’ That was the end.  There was no more discussion.  The room was soon emptied.  I sat there astonished.   Nobody had bothered to ask why an apparently healthy baby suddenly developed pneumonia and died.  There was no discussion about risk factors, immune factors or anything else.  As far as the professor and doctors were concerned the cause of death was ‘pneumonia’ and that was that!"---Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p190)

"If the Vitamin C status of an infant is borderline, the administration of a vaccine, particularly (but not only) pertussis vaccine, can result in endotoxaemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need for Vitamin C, and the precipitation of some of the signs and/or symptoms of acute scurvy. The onset of this may be so rapid that the classical signs of scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden spontaneous bruising and haemorrhage (including brain and retinal haemorrhages) may occur. Haemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the ‘battered baby syndrome’."--Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p189)

"The matron was convinced that the diagnosis was meningitis so she prepared a lumbar puncture.  I had however, seen this problem before.  Lumbar punctures performed by me had been negative and the infants died....the trauma of inserting a needle..might result in a haemorrage that might cause spinal cord paralysis.  So I decided to give an injection of vitamin C..I probably gave as many as 6 injections, each 100mg.  After half an hour Mary was normal.  It was hard to believe, but I had performed a miracle!...I found that any viral infection, including measles and hepatitis, could be dramatically 'cured' by administering Vitamin C intravenously in big doses--provided that treatment was commenced early."---Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p175)

"Furthermore, much depends on how statistics are gathered. Until recently most autopsies on infants were carried out in a haphazard fashion. Often, no autopsies were performed. Now, in most parts of the western world, strict criteria are applied and autopsies performed by specialist teams. Many cases that previously would be considered as qualifying for the diagnosis of SIDS are now excluded. This artificially reduces the incidence compared to pre-autopsy and specialised consideration times. To accurately follow recent trends one needs to look at the overall infant mortality rate. This is the bottom line and cannot be easily manipulated."--Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p178)