John Lauritsen quotes
[back] Lauritsen, John

"AZT is toxic, it kills...... It kills the immune system, it kills healthy tissue.....I regard HIV as the greatest hoax and fraud in all of medical history, and I would say AZT would be up there."-- John Lauritsen interview by  Gary Null

Neither of the "HIV-antibody" tests -- the Elisa or the Western Blot -- has ever been properly validated, which means that no one knows what their results mean. The tests are chemical reactions to antigens, which are substances that provoke an immune response. Many dozens of conditions can produce a positive result on these tests, including drug abuse, flu vaccinations, past infection with malaria, pregnancy, and liver disease. Nevertheless, physicians still use these worthless tests, assume that positive results mean HIV infection, and give their patients doom-diagnoses of "HIV-positive" or "AIDS". 'AIDS: A Death Cult' by John Lauritsen

"In 1984 most 'AIDS" diagnoses were based on a diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma (an affliction of the blood vessels) or pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (a lung disease caused by the overgrowth of a ubiquitous microbe) along with a presumption of "immune deficiency" and a presumption of retroviral infection. When the CDC expanded the list of 'AIDS-indicator diseases" in 1987, it caused an immediate boost of new AIDS cases by approximately one-third. Using the pre-1987 definition, the incidence of new 'AIDS" cases peaked in 1988, but with the net cast ever wider, incidence continued to rise ... at least for a few years. In early 1992 still more 'AIDS-indicator diseases" were added to the list, bringing the total to 29, and reducing the AIDS-construct to utter absurdity. In 1982 someone who earned an 'AIDS" diagnosis was very dose to death; after 1992 someone could acquire an 'AIDS" diagnosis without even being sick (A CD-4 cell count of less than 200 per milliliter is one of the official "AIDS-indicator diseases", although there is no reliable statistical evidence that such a count is not compatible with perfectly good health.)
I can still remember Schmidt's contempt for the CDC's tactics in adding cervical cancer to the list in 1992. As might be expected, the revision caused an immediate rise in 'AIDS" diagnoses among women, enabling the CDC to issue press releases proclaiming that AIDS was spreading fastest among heterosexual women."---Lauritsen, John (The AIDS Cult p. 96, 97)