Typhoid quotes
Typhoid  Quotes

Spanish Flu

Typhoid Fever (more a disease of adult life) is evolved by feeding and medicating acute indigestion and the treatment should be the same as for any of the foregoing so-called infectious fevers. Children: Their Health and Happiness by J. H. Tilden (1928)

In the U. S. Army in France in 1918, in several camps where sanitation and hygiene were grossly neglected, typhoid vaccination proved to be little or no protection, and it has been officially admitted to be a great failure, as typhoid epidemics prevailed extensively in said camps with a high death-rate among the well vaccinated men. See official report on this subject from the Chief Surgeon of the v A. E. F. in U. S. Public Health Reports of March 28, 1919, entitled, 'Typhoid Vaccination no Substitute for Sanitary Pre­cautions." [1920 USA] HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED BY CHAS. M. HIGGINS

The office of the Surgeon General of the U. S. Army in answer to my request for information on this point admits that many cases of sickness have been caused by smallpox and typhoid vaccination in the Army in the year 1917, but states that no deaths have been caused by any form of vaccination in said year 1917, and that the data for the year 1918 are not yet available. The figures admitted for sickness from the two forms of vaccination stated seem to be serious and significant and are now given below in the words of the letter addressed to me from the Surgeon General's office, March 15, 1919, as follows:

"The number of men admitted to sick report during 1917 for typhoid vaccination was 10,549, or a rate of 15.54 for each one thousand men.
"For smallpox vaccination the number admitted was 9,059, or a rate of 13.35 for each one thousand men.
"The total number of days lost as the result of typhoid vaccination was 28,679 and for smallpox 34,814." [1920 USA] HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED BY CHAS. M. HIGGINS

It is well known that typhoid and cholera are both due to sewage-contaminated food or water. By means of sanitary improvements, Britain got rid of all of its cholera and most of its typhoid without any vaccines; and officials who now recommend their use must be suspected of having dirty, stupid and slipshod minds and dealt with accordingly.
We were told that Wright’s vaccine practically banished typhoid from the Gallipoli campaign. We know that when men got typhoid after vaccination it was called "paratyphoid". .....but the main fact....is that 96,684 men were invalided out from Gallipoli with enteric disease, which means that the health of the troops was many times worse than it was during the Boer War. Insanitation (including vaccination) was, of course, entirely responsible for this. [1965 book] THE BLOOD POISONERS BY Lionel Dole]

How many of the 13,000 preventable deaths in the Boer War were due to inoculations for enteric ? It is well known that a potent cause of physical breakdown and failure in the field of large numbers in our army engaged in the late war in South Africa was the widespread inoculation for enteric. Dr. J. A. Jones, writing in the "British Medical Journal" in 1907, page 1767, states that in General Oku's vast army in the Russo-Japanese War, "there were less than 200 cases of enteric fever, and less than 400 of dysentery, and only 40 deaths," whereas in the Boer War "we lost more than 13,000 men from preventable disease alone." LEICESTER: SANITATION versus VACCINATION BY J.T. BIGGS J.P.

"These diseases (typhoid and pneumonia) are nothing more nor less than a cleansing process - a struggle of the vital powers to relieve the system of its accumulated impurities. The causes of the diseases are constipating foods, contaminated water, atmospheric miasmas, and whatever clogs up the system or befouls the blood. And the day is not far distant when a physician who shall undertake to aid and assist (suppress) Nature in her efforts to expel impurities, by the administration of poisons (drugs, medicines, shots, radiation, etc.) will be regarded as an insane idiot. But now this practice is called medical science."----Trall

"You cannot have a very severe round of typhoid fever unless you have a "first-class" physician to give it strength to down you...... I have not lost a case in 15 years (including typhoid and pneumonia), and I have treated hundreds. Fatality is attributable to the medication "----Tilden

"What can one do, for instance, about the idiotic boost which vaccine was given when a news bulletin included a story of how, when the drains in Tobago were damaged by hurricane "Flora", a typhoid epidemic was averted by mass immunization, "which seems to have been successful"—this, if you please, only about four days after the damage? We know that typhoid fever takes from 7 to 14 days to incubate, and the "shots" take from 10 to 20 days to "take" properly!" --Lionel Dole

Diagnosis ploy [Diagnosis]
"At one time in the Army, we called enteric (typhoid), "enteric," and a rose, a rose; but I served long enough to hear a rose called anything from a head of cabbage to a scarlet pimpernel. (Laughter.) A man in the Army contracting enteric, provided he had not been previously inoculated, was diagnosed enteric and treated for this affection from the start. If he had been inoculated and still got ill with symptoms that were, so to speak, a mirage of enteric, the procedure was different. He was first of all classified as N.Y.D. N.Y.D. was popularly supposed to mean "Not Yet Dead," but professionally it meant "Not Yet Diagnosed."---Lt-Col. Donegan

Indeed, it is admitted in official reports that a similar careless practice as to false diagnosis and incorrect report of cause of death exists in some cases in the U. S. Army where, for example, actual typhoid fever in vaccinated men had been reported as "Influenza" and where death of vaccinated men from typhoid was entered as due solely to one of the complications such as "Peritonitis," "Broncho-Pneumonia. [1920 USA] HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED BY CHAS. M. HIGGINS

All sorts of fantastic classifications have been introduced to cover the failures of the serum treatments. When it was obvious that anti-typhoid anti-toxin did not confer immunity and that those treated with it had the temerity to develop typhoid, something had to be done. As theoretically the immunized person could not have typhoid, it was decided to invent a new name, hitherto unknown to the clinicians—paratyphoid. Nor was this altogether a disadvantage, for, of course, a new serum had to be found to apply to paratyphoid. Then, when persons inoculated with both kinds of serum developed what looked like typhoid something further had to be done. But your bacteriologists are never at a loss for expedients, and they promptly discovered that this was another kind of paratyphoid, viz.—paratyphoid B. So, yet another preventive serum was put up, and when, in spite of inoculation against paratyphoid A. and B., an outbreak of typhoid occurs on a large scale in Mesopotamia, and the natural inference would be that inoculation was useless, the interested parties will admit nothing of the kind, but produce from their capacious sleeve yet another card— paratyphoid C...............Differentiation between typhoid fever and paratyphoid appears to be a purely arbitrary device—one of those numerous " bolt holes " which the advocates of serum-therapy find so convenient in an emergency. The same remark applies to the classification of deaths from dysentery instead of typhoid. In All-butt's System of Medicine typhoid fever is described as being synonymous with dysentery.  The eagerness of the supporters of serum treatment to avoid recognition of any fact that might bring inoculation into disrepute is shown by the admission of two medical officers (Upjohn and Martin) that " when a case came before us from an inoculated man we viewed it with suspicion." They tested bacteriologically 325 cases clinically diagnosed and treated as typhoid, but conveniently eliminated 300 !  [1933] The Golden Calf by Charles W. Forward

Indeed, it is admitted in official reports that a similar careless practice as to false diagnosis and incorrect report of cause of death exists in some cases in the U. S. Army where, for example, actual typhoid fever in vaccinated men had been reported as "Influenza" and where death of vaccinated men from typhoid was entered as due solely to one of the complications such as "Peritonitis," "Broncho-Pneumonia. [1920 USA] HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED BY CHAS. M. HIGGINS