[back] Cancer Therapies

Note to researchers: Is cancer virus- or bacteria caused?
This question needs to be resolved, so more efficient remedies can be found. An investigation of Livingston’s research (to be discussed later) may help determine this. Working Summary: Several researchers believed that a acteria caused cancer. Gregory thought it was a virus. Based on the concept that it was a bacteria, Livingston later developed a vaccine—which worked.

Dr. Gregory was another believer in the virus theory of cancer. From 1945, onward, he carried on research in this field, as he stated later in his 1955 book, The Pathogenesis of Cancer:

“[My study] is the result of exhaustive and careful research work, all of which has been repeated by competent men in their fields. The research outlined here has cost the author over $250,000. It is the result of more than 20,000 hours of research in the field of cancer. In the past ten years, forty weeks have been spent at research clinics and at scientific meetings which pertained to this subject.”

With such a background of study, one would imagine that Gregory might have something to say on the subject of causative agents in cancer. Like Royal Rife, Gregory used a high-power microscope to help him in his work. Early versions of the electron microscope had already been invented, and he used magnifications as high as 50,000.

His conclusion was that cancer is an infectious disease, caused by a virus. “[It is] an infectious disease in which the infecting organism is a cancer virus, which sensitizes cells to grow invasively and metastasize, when stimulated by chemicals, irritants, or excess hormones. An overwhelming infection may produce the disease.”

Part of Gregory’s theory was that the cancer virus produces an enzyme which he named chymotrypsin. But was the cancer virus a product or a cause of the disease? Gregory said he carried out laboratory experiments to fulfill Koch’s postulates [see section on Livingston for a description of Koch’s four postulates]. After injecting a malignant melanoma culture into laboratory animals, he withdrew some of the virus from the malignancy which developed in the animal.

The virus withdrawn was the same as the virus injected, thus supposedly fulfilling Koch’s criteria. Gregory said he did that 50 times. Assuming then that the cancer was viruscaused, Gregory looked to antibiotics as the treatment of choice, realizing that virus strains eventually become immune to antibiotics. So Gregory felt that a wide variety of antibiotics would have to be used.

(Keep in mind that this was in the 1940s and 1950s. Back then, it was thought that antibiotics could overcome viruses. We now know they cannot do this. Perhaps Gregory’s “cancer viruses” were actually bacteria.)

As Gregory continued his work, he was able to help over one hundred advanced cases of cancer. He named his ultimate antibiotic, Antivin, Did Gregory really eliminate cancer with his antibiotic? Perhaps. But it should be kept in mind that Gregory also did something that many others in his time were not doing: He required his patients to change a number of things in their lifestyle. They had to eat lots of fruit and fresh vegetables, and totally stop the use of meat and fat.

Those changes alone would help a number of people with cancer. In later years, Gregory’s methods died with him. No medical group came to his defense or support. [pdf] Alternative Cancer Remedies. Facts for Historians and Medical Researchers BY VANCE FERRELL

See: Livingstone  Cantwell, M.D,,Alan