The False Memory Syndrome (DID) quotes
False Memory Syndrome  False Memory Syndrome Foundation

“I am continually amazed that the public is still swayed by the CIA connected, False Memory Syndrome Foundation's propaganda, which explains that therapists instill these memories of horror into their desperate clients and that children with large imaginations are making up these stories. Ask yourself how a child three or four years old could make up these vile stories that are beyond their age-appropriate understanding...and what a coincidence that the accounts match other children's testimony across the nation. Have the children been secretly uniting, sharing their "large imaginative experiences" across the nation in order for them to all come up with similar accounts? The facts of many preschool court cases, the testimony of the children, and the bungling and misrepresentation from lawyers and judges in case after case has allowed the truth to be squelched."---Brice Taylor (Thanks For The Memories (p xxxiii)

"The CIA created a front group called The False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) to debunk, ridicule, and defame victims (and their advocates) of Satanic Ritual Abuse, pedophilic sexual abuse, and CIA cult mind control activities. The board members of FMSF reads like a Who's Who of CIA contractors and 'consultants'. Incredibly, Peter and Pamela Freyd , executive directors of the FMSF along with FMSF founder, Dr. Ralph Underwager, have fallen from public grace because they, themselves, have been involved in the very abuse that they claim is a result of 'false' memory on the part of the child."--Ken Adachi

Let me say now, before we get into it further, that the one organization in the United States that has tried to debunk all of this is called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. They are based in Philadelphia. They say that any recovered memories in therapy, that is any patient who goes into therapy and recovers a memory is a liar or unintentionally lying because their therapist induced it, suggested it, guided it, okay? Now, I talked to these people and at certain levels they are very well meaning of course ... that is always the way. I talked to their PR person and I asked when were you born, this organization? She said, "1992". I said well how extensive is it? And she said, "We have a chapter in every state." Now for anybody who has ever been an activist or worked in non-profit 501C3 ... are you kidding me man? You have a chapter in every state in 3 years? You're cooking, you are cooking ... and in foreign countries they have chapters too. But no foundation money and no government funding ... this is like, you know, they are like ... walking on water ... you know? (audience member: "It took McDonald's longer ...) There we go. That's the False Memory Syndrome Foundation ... (audience member: "individual contributions ...") It is true ... now that organization was founded by Pamela Freyd ... her daughter accused her husband of abuse as a child ... and in the resultant uproar they founded this organization ... Frontline on PBS did an entire episode on all of this ...... and then received a letter, from I think it was the daughter's brother who said, that was quite a presentation you put on about the FMSF and my mother ... and I just wanted to tell you though that despite your sympathetic treatment of this organization, everything my sister said was absolutely true and they were abusing her from the time she was a little kid." That's interesting about the beginning of this organization.
        Now on the board of this organization we have such luminaries as Louis Joly West ... Louis "I never worked for the CIA" Joly West. This guy has been documented to have done all kinds of stuff for the CIA and military on mind control stuff ... gave LSD to an elephant, and killed it. Wanted to start the Centre for the Study of Violence at UCLA in the l970's. We have letters, and this was going to be located in a used, abandoned missile base somewhere out north of LA, and part of the deal was they were going to do psychosurgery on violent offenders which is the selective melting of brain connections to keep people from being violent. And this was touted as being highly medical, very precise. This is right in the ballpark of what I am talking about here when they say "it's all medical ... we have miniaturized and we can take out certain neurons here and there, and everything's cool." Some people throw up their hands and say who am I to ... I don't know ... maybe they are right ...    So Louis West, who wanted to start this centre at UCLA, is on the board of FMSF and so is Martin Orne, a Harvard psychiatrist who has done contract work for the CIA in the past. And several other people who have those kinds of connections. They want to debunk this stuff right out of the box ... forget it. This is the kind of stuff they want to debunk. The CIA, Mind Control & Children:  A Talk by John Rappoport

It might be appropriate to point out here that the early American cases of MPD (now called DID) are from bloodlines associated with the Illuminati. The first widely reported American case of MPD was Mary Reynolds in 1811. The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines covers the Reynold’s bloodline as being a major Illuminati bloodline. Two other earlier Amer. MPD cases are one involving a man from Edinburgh University, Scotland and one found discussed in a letter in 1791 written by a Reverend Joseph Lathrop of Mass. to the President of Yale Ezra Stiles.The Disney family and the Disney corporations are part of the occult world. While the names Dopey, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, and Doc sound like names picked to please children, they are actually the translation from Scandinavian of the demonic dwarfs Toki, Skavaerr, Varr, Dun, Orinn, Grerr, and Radsvid.  The Illuminati Formula 10. Spiritual Control Techniques, Possession, Trances, Etc. A. Using spiritual principles against a person

"Brice Taylor has suffered from man-made artificially-induced Multiple Personality Disorder, also called Dissociative Identity Disorder. This trauma-based conditioning technique can produce many discrete "personalities" inside a single person. These personalities'can then be programmed like a computer to perform specific tasks, as either sex slave-prostitutes, couriers, or 'mind-files," accessible only to the person who knows the special "codes" that will access the 'program."----Uri Dowbenko

One reason this technology has remained a state secret is the widespread prestige of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages.  Psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies no doubt participated in writing and revising this manual.  This psychiatric "bible" covers up the secret development of MC technologies by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Victims of mind control experimentation are thus routinely diagnosed, knee-jerk fashion, as mentally ill by doctors who learned the DSM “symptom” list in medical school.  Physicians have not been schooled that patients may be telling the truth when they report being targeted against their will or being used as guinea pigs for electronic, chemical and bacteriological forms of psychological warfare.  By Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD