International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS International N.V.)
911 Conspiracy

Former Israeli Intel Operatives Run Security at Brussels Airport  But ICTS' security faux pas' don't end there. In December 2001, they somehow managed to let deranged shoe bomber Richard Reid, onto his Miami-bound flight in Paris, and this was after ICTS had cleared Reid through security at Amsterdam airport on a flight to Tel Aviv in July 2001 for what was apparently an all-expenses paid week-long trip to the Israeli city. What precisely he did there remains a mystery. Reid later said that ICTS/El Al had failed to detect that he had explosives in his shoes on the flight to Tel Aviv, an amazing revelation considering the Israeli airline's tight security and the fact that, six months later, they were responsible for letting him board the Miami-bound flight with the very same type of 'shoe bomb'. Israel had not informed British, American, or any other security agency of their concerns about Reid. Reid's aunt, Claudette Lewis who raised Reid in south London, was quoted as saying she believed her nephew had been "brainwashed". 
    ICTS also somehow missed several of the alleged 9/11 hijackers who allegedly flew out of Boston's Logan airport on September 11th 2001. ICTS also handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, 'suicide' bomb attacks. In fact, two of its subsidiaries, ICTS UK and ICTS Europe Systems, are based at Tavistock House, Tavistock Square in London, scene of the London Stagecoach bus bombing that day. 

[2010 Jan] Why is the American press silent on the Israeli role in NW Flight 253?   ICTS handled security at the Charles de Gaulle Airport outside Paris when “shoe bomber” Richard Reid boarded a US-bound plane on December 22, 2001. The company also handled security for London’s bus system during the July 7, 2005, suicide bomb attacks. And ICTS shared security duties on September 11, 2001, at Boston’s Logan Airport, where two of the four suicide hijackings originated.

[2009 Nov] Mossad in Germany and 9-11 Disinformation by Christopher Bollyn  International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS International N.V.), the Israeli company headed by the Mossad veteran Menachem J. Atzmon, owns Huntleigh USA, the company that ran airport security and passenger screening operations at Boston's Logan and other critical airports on 9-11.  Huntleigh, which is owned by the criminal-run outfit ICTS, is one of the main defendants in the 9-11 tort litigation, and has been protected by the Zionist judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein, who has blocked all attempts for a trial to find those responsible.  Atzmon, a convicted criminal of the Likud Party in Israel, owns and operates Seehafen Rostock, the largest cargo port of the former East Germany, a position he has held since January 1998.  That an Israeli criminal has been allowed to operate one of Germany's largest ports illustrates the degree of Mossad influence in Germany.  Israeli ownership of the port operations of Rostock is, however, just the tip of the Zionist iceberg that controls Germany.

Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!!

This is the Israeli "airport security" company that controlled passenger screening operations at Boston's Logan Airport -- and while they are responsible for allegedly allowing knife-wielding terrorists onto the planes on 9/11, they have been excused.  Go figure. ----