1. Psychiatric drugs damage brains and bodies in many ways and "have caused the worst plague of brain damage in medical history."

-- Dr. Peter Breggin, Toxic Psychiatry. (1991); David Cohen, Ph.D. "A critique of the use of neuroleptic drugs in psychiatry."

-- R. P. Greenberg, ed., From Placebo to Panacea. (1997. pp. 173-228);

-- David Richman et al, Dr. Caligari's Psychiatric Drugs, 3rd ed. (1987).


2. Drugs do not correct any "chemical imbalance in the brain". In fact, they interfere with the nervous system to suppress brain activity.

-- Dr. P. Breggin, Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry. (1997, p. 2-11);

-- Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry (1989).

3. Memory and judgement, sleep, coordination, stamina and sexual function are all impaired by psychiatric drugs.

-- Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties, or Physicians' Desk Reference. (editions from 1970s to 1990s);

-- D. Richman et al. Dr. Caligari's Psychiatric Drugs, 3rd ed. (Berkeley, CA, 1987).


lethargy, exhaustion, depression, apathy, nightmares, impaired perception, psychosis, vomiting, slurred speech, fainting, dizziness, blurred vision, eyes stuck upwards, drooling or dry mouth, constipation, skin rash, amenorrhea, impotence, epileptic seizures, liver disease, infections, intestinal paralysis, heart problems, low blood pressure, painful muscle cramps and spasms, arching of the back, restlessness, parkinsonism, dullened emotion and thinking, sudden death....


4. New psychiatric drugs, like Clozapine & Risperdol, are as damaging as older neuroleptics. They can cause, not "prevent", neurological disorders like Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) and the deadly Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)..
-- E. Anderson & P. Powers, "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with clozapine use." Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 52. (1991);

-- S. Singer, R. Colette & R. Boland, "Two cases of risperidone-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome". American Journal of Psychiatry, 152. (1995).

5. Tardive Dyskinesia "resulted in painful, disfiguring twitches and spasms. Afflicted individuals were unable to work and carry on a normal family and social life. Often depressed and humiliated by their physical appearance, they withdrew from loved ones."

-- Dr. P. Breggin & D. Cohen, Ph.D, Your Drug May Be Your Problem. (Perseus Books, 1999. pp.76-82).

6. Prozac frequently causes depression, agitation, and triggers suicidal ideas as well as violent behaviour.

-- M.H. Teicher et al, "Emergence of Intense Suicidal Preoccupations During Fluoxetine Treatment". American Journal of Psychiatry, 147. (1990. pp. 207-210);

-- Teicher et al. N. F. Damluji & J. M. Ferguson. (1988). "Paradoxical worsening of depressive symptomatology caused by antidepressants." Clinical Psychopharma-cology, 8. (1993. pp. 347-9).

-- T.J. Feuerstein & R. Jackisch, "Why Do Some Antidepressants Promote Suicide?" Psychopharmacology, 90. (1986. p. 422).

7. Ritalin is prescribed to millions of children, many 3 years old or younger. It is similar to methamphetamine ("speed")-- it's addictive and stunts growth.

-- R.A. King, M.A. Riddle, P.B. Chappell, M.T. Hardin, G.M. Anderson, P. Lombroso, & L. Scahill, "Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment." J. Am. Acad. Child & Adolesc. Psychiatry, 30, (1991. pp. 179-86);

-- P. Breggin. Talking Back to Ritalin. (1998, p. 2,362);

-- D.J. Safer et al, "Increased methylphenidate usage for attention deficit disorder in the 1990s." Psychiatry, 98. (pp. 1084-1088).

8. "1.5 million Xanax addicts are produced (in the U.S.) each year."

-- John Steinberg, Medical Director of the Chemical Dependency Program at Greater Baltimore Medical Center;


9. The longer on drugs, the greater the health risk, the lower the life expectancy. Withdrawal symptoms like hallucinations, depression and Tardive Psychosis often look like a "relapse" to doctors and family.

-- G. Chouinard & B. Jones, "Neuroleptic-induced supersensitivity psychosis: Clinical and pharmacologic characteristics." American Journal of Psychiatry (1980, pp. 137, 16-21);

-- D. Cohen & D. Jacobs, "A model consent form for psychiatric drug treatment", International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, vol. 11, no.3. (1998, pp. 161-164);

-- P. Breggin & D. Cohen. Your Drug May Be Your Problem. (1999, pp. 165-6).

10. Most psychiatrists and other doctors don't inform patients about psychiatric drugs and refuse to help patients withdraw from them though many drugs are addictive.

-- F.M. Quitkin et al, eds., Current Psychotherapeutic Drugs, 2nd ed. (Washington, D.C., American Psychiatric Press, 1998);

-- D. Cohen & D. Jacobs, "A model consent form for psychiatric drug treatment". International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, vol. 11, no.3. (1998, pp. 161-164);

-- P. Breggin & D. Cohen, Your Drug May Be Your Problem. (1999, ch.6).

11. "The clinical trials system... has now become a multibillion-dollar industry, with hundreds of testing and drug companies working with thousands of private doctors who mine their patient lists for test subjects."

-- "U.S. Officials Are Examining Clinical Trials", New York Times, July 14, 1999.

12. 3 out of 10 people with "chronic schizophrenia" fully recover with or without medications. In so-called 'developing' countries where there are relatively few drugs and hospitals, people recover more quickly.

-- G. De Girolamo, "World Health Organization Studies on Schizophrenia: An overview of their results and their implications for an understanding of the disorder", The Psychotherapy Patient, 9, (1995. pp.213-31;

-- D. Cohen, "Schizophrenia: The Facts No One Wants to Hear", speaking at the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health, Toronto (1999).

13. "It hurt to move, but I couldn't keep still. My hands and feet twitched. My face convulsed, I drooled when I lay down. My skin was so dry it was coming off in flakes, I was horribly constipated. The Haldol didn't touch my craziness, though.... I was just another zombie on Haldol"

-- Irit Shimrat, Call Me Crazy: Stories From the Mad Movement. (1997, p. 15).