'Sexual experiment gone awry'
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[According to Crispin Black, a former UK Government intelligence adviser: "Disposing of an enemy and making it look like a perverted fantasy gone wrong is in the training manuals of every spy agency from MI6 to Mossad."]

Kevin Gilbert. He died at age 29 in Los Angeles from apparent autoerotic asphyxiation.

SDI Researchers
Pugh, Richard
Wisner, Mark

Moyle ended up dead in a wardrobe in Chile and what does the local FCO guy do? Tells the media that Moyle was the victim of an auto-erotic accident: strangled himself while having a wank. There is lot of this about, apparently. James Rusbridger, the writer on intelligence, apparently died this way; and so, apparently, did Tory MP Stephen Milligan, PPS to Jonathan Aitken. Robin Ramsay

[2010 Dec] BBC presenter died 'as sex game went wrong': Colleague weeps as he lays a floral tribute

In 1994, Stephen Milligan, who reportedly worked for MI6, was found dead. He had a black bin liner over his head and he was wearing stockings and suspenders.  Milligan also had a satsuma stuffed into his mouth. Gareth Williams worked for GCHQ and MI6. He was found dead in a locked bag, in a flat full of women’s clothing.

In 1994 an ex-MI6 man turned journalist, James Rusbridger, 65, was found hanged at his house in Cornwall – in a green chemical protection suit including rubber gloves, gas mask, and black plastic mackintosh. Bondage pictures completed the tableau. Rusbridger had discovered that a group within MI6 appeared to have helped Hitler both before and during the war.

On Wed, 18 Feb 1998 22:15:31 +0000, Paul Gardner

<spam.egg.sausage.and.s...@i.hate.spam.com> wrote:
>In article <34eb50dc.10378...@goodnews.nildram.co.uk>, Anthony
><catf...@catfish.nildram.co.uk> wrote
>> just as I
>>think Stephen Milligan almost certainly was assassinated with his
>>death made to look like an "accident".


It was alleged at the time by Scallywag magazine that Stephen Milligan
was originally approached by the security services to attempt to
dissuade a well-known footballer coming towards the end of his career
from continuing to hawk his story of gay sex sessions with two then
serving cabinet ministers around Fleet Street.

Milligan was a well respected MP and part time journalist. Milligan
allegedly approached the footballer who was not prepared to drop his
attempts to sell the story. Milligan allegedly reported back to the
security services who informed Milligan that unless the footballer did
keep matters quiet he would be eliminated. Apparently there was more
to the story than simply the gay sex aspect, the introduction of the
footballer to the cabinet ministers was allegedly arranged by a third
party who had very close links with an extremely powerful paedophile
ring. The implication was that the cabinet ministers may also have
been involved with the paedophile ring although this was not confirmed
in the Scallywag report, however it was very clearly hinted at.

It was allegedly decided by the security services that the potential
damage to the British Constitution if the story got out was so great
that it would not only bring down the government but could also
destablise the entire concept of parliamentary democracy. The cabinet
ministers involved were very high profile indeed and the alleged
paedophile link, if revealed, would have had a catastrophic effect on
not only public confidence in domestic government but would have had
repercussions on the image of Britain right around the world.

When Milligan realised that the threat to murder the footballer was in
fact serious, he allegedly panicked. He had not realised that he was
being dragged into something with such serious implications and, being
an extremely moral and decent man, it wasn't something he was prepared
to be involved with or to go along with. He allegedly made one more
unsuccessful attempt to convince the footballer to back down, even
warning the footballer that his life was in danger. The footballer
didn't believe that this sort of thing could go on in modern day
Britain and continued to attempt to sell the story, which no editor to
that date had been brave enough to publish.

Milligan was allegedly informed by the security services that, his
efforts at dissuasion having failed, the footballer would be killed
with his death being made to look like an accident. Milligan then
allegedly threatened the security services that, if anything happened,
he would tell the whole story to The Sunday Times.

Shortly afterwards Stephen Milligan died, having apparently hanged
himself and being found with a satsuma in his mouth. He had no
previous history of kinky or unusual sexual practices whatsoever and,
despite their utmost efforts to do so, the national press were unable
to find any evidence whatsoever that he had anything other than an
extremely conventional sex life. Indeed, it was generally reported
that sex and sexuality appeared not to have played a significant part
in his life at all.

The footballer was allegedly approached directly after Milligan's
death by the security services and, now realising that they had been
prepared to kill a sitting MP to keep the story quiet, realised for
the first time that his life was in danger. He allegedly accepted a
sum of money in return for his silence. He hasn't been heard from in
the media since.

Anthony  http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/02/gay-soccer-justin-fashanu-cabinet.html