[back] Treblinka: An Exceptional Guide By Dr. Robert Faurisson  [back] Treblinka

Map of Treblinka, drawn by Tuidar Rudolph, July 4, 1988

It was in the course of this walk that our man gave us a revelation: the camp had in reality been smaller in size than what the tourists are told. In 1947, after the war, the authorities bought small abutting parcels of land to, in effect, enlarge the 'extermination camp.' .....In the attached drawing, made by Tijudar Rudolph with what means we had on hand at the time, one will note the difference in area between the actual camp of 1942-1943, which covered about 14 hectares, and the 1988 camp for tourists, about 23 hectares in size. [1988] Treblinka: An Exceptional Guide By Dr. Robert Faurisson