Freud, Sigmund   Moses  Kabbala  Psychology

Sigmund Freud and the Jewish Mystical Tradition

a book By David Bakan




Part I.—The Background of Freud’s Development of Psychoanalysis1

1- The Problem of the Origins of Psychoanalysis
2- Hypotheses Relating the Origins of Psychoanalysis to Freud’s Personal Life
3- Psychoanalysis as a Problem in the History of Ideas Anti-Semitism in Vienna
4- The General Question of Dissimulation
5-  Did Freud Ever Dissemble?
6- Freud’s Positive Identification as a Jew
7- Freud’s Relationship to Fliess and His Other Jewish Associates

Part II.—The Milieu of Jewish Mysticism

9.     Early Kabbala
10.   Modern Kabbala
11. The Zohar
12. The Chmielnicki Period
13. Jewish Self-Government
14. The Sabbatian Episode
15. The Frankist Episode
16. Chassidism

Part III.—The Moses Theme in the Thought of Freud

17. The Moses of Michelangelo
18. Some Relevant Biographical Items
19. Moses and Monotheism—A Book of Double
20. Moses as an Egyptian
A. The Sabbatian Fulfillment
B. The Fantasy of the “Family Romance”
C. Moses and Anti-Semitism
D. The Dissociation of Moses from the Jews
21. Moses Was Killed by the Jews
22. Freud’s Messianic Identification

Part IV.—The Devil as Suspended Superego

23. Introduction
24. The Transition
25. The Hypnosis and Cocaine Episodes
26. The Discovery of the Transference
27. The “Flectere …” of The Interpretation of Dreams
28. Freud’s Paper on Demoniacal Possession
29. The Composition or The Interpretation of Dreams
30. Accretion of Meanings to the Devil Image
A. The Problem of “Distance”
B. The Devil as Knower
C. The Curative Power Inherent in the Devil

Part V.—Psychoanalysis and Kabbala

31. The Problem of Scholarship
32. Techniques of Interpretation
A. Man as Torah
B. Interpretation en detail and en masse
C. Dream Interpretation in the Tractate Berakoth
D. Word-play
33. Sexuality


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