Roger Winter

See: Authoritarian leaders (Social dominators)  Psychopathy

Hillary Clinton should be indicted for war crimes. She should be brought up in a criminal tribunal and put on the stand. And we should be told who was involved in the war crimes in Central Africa from 1994 to 2001. And the assassination of all these people and the massive killings. So we can name these officials. Susan Rice is another one. She’s the architect. Susan Rice and a guy named Roger Winter are the architects of genocide in Rwanda. They should not be in the foreign policy establishment in any sense of the word. And, by the way, this is exactly what we’ve seen going down in Sudan. It’s a guerilla war, it’s backed by the Pentagon. It’s using Uganda as a proxy army, and also Chad and also Egypt. And creating this propaganda that the government of Sudan is creating genocide. When, in fact, we are all over it. It doesn’t look like that at all. It’s war. It’s open war.”---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide

Both the RPF/A and SPLA waged successful covert guerrilla wars against governments that were considered "undesirable" by Washington; both achieved their objectives of seizing land and gaining control, and both insurgencies were covertly backed by U.S. Committee for Refugees official Roger Winter—a pivotal U.S. intelligence asset operating in Sudan and a dedicated ally of Yoweri Museveni, Paul Kagame and John Garang. Winter’s protégé is Susan Rice, Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. Rice was one of the primary architects of the Pentagon’s prized Africa Crisis Response Initiative (ACRI)—a euphemistically named entity created to project U.S. power in Africa, and run by U.S. Army Special Forces Command (SOCOM) [2008 Dec] Merchants of Death: Exposing Corporate-financed Holocaust in AfricaWhite Collar War Crimes, Black African Fall Guys by Keith Harmon Snow

[2009] THE RWANDA GENOCIDE FABRICATIONS Human Right Watch, Alison Des Forges & Disinformation on Central Africa by Keith Harmon Snow  “Roger Winter was with the RPA on the front lines in Rwanda and he regularly briefed the Clinton Administration of the RPA’s military achievements,” says Jean Marie Vianney Higiro, former Rwandan official. “Alison Des Forges contributed to the RPF/A takeover of Rwanda. I have no doubt about that… I met her three times, first in 1995, and in 2004 she encouraged me to testify at the ICTR. I said no way: I will only testify if RPF officials are arrested. She insisted I should testify, she was confident that the RPF were going to be arrested. I think she did not realize that the U.S. government would never accept that. She was something of an opportunist.”

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