Subject: Private Eye latest. Serial letter writer, Dr. Elphinstone exposed.

Private Eye,  8th March 2002
Whenever a newspaper reports on the latest development in the in the MMR
controversy, concerned mother and GP Dr Penelope Elphinstone seems to enter
the debate via the letters page.
Since 1999 and in newspapers from the Observer to the Express, Sunday
Times, Guardian and Independent she has been expressing outrage that legal
aid has been granted to the many children said to have been damaged by the
triple jab.
"This unsubstantiated health scare and the litigation are mutually
sustaining: they endanger children, enrich lawyers and impoverish the
health service," she declares.  But then she would say that, wouldn't she?
The man who shares her north London home is one Anthony Barton, solicitor
and doctor who just happens to be advising Aventis Pasteur - one of the
defending pharmaceutical giants in the forthcoming MMR legal action
