The following is taken from the "Life of Jenner," by Baron, a warm partisan of vaccination, published in 5827, vol. i., pp.

557-559 :— "On the introduction of vaccine inoculation into India, it was found that the practice was much opposed by the natives. In order to overcome their prejudices, the late Mr. Ellis, of Madras, who was well versed in Sanscrit literature, actually composed a short poem in that language on the subject of vaccination. This poem was inscribed on old paper, and said to have been found, that the impression of its antiquity might assist the effect intended to be produced on the minds of the Brahmins while tracing the preventive to their sacred cow. The late Dr. Anderson, of Madras, adopted the very same expedient in order to deceive the Hindoos into a belief that vaccination was an ancient practice of their own.

"Shortly after the introduction of vaccination into Bengal, similar attempts were made to prove that the practice was previously known there also. . . A native physician of Bareilly put into the hands of Mr. Gillman, who was surgeon at that station, some leaves purporting to contain an extract of a Sanscrit work on medicine. This work is said to be entitled Sud’ha Sangreha, written by a physician named Mahadeva, under the patronage of Raja Rájusin’ha. It contained a chapter on Masurica or Chicken-pock. Towards the close, the author appears to have introduced other topics; and immediately after directing leeches to be applied to relieve bad sores he proceeds thus: ‘Taking the matter of pustules, which are naturally produced on the teats of cows, carefully preserve it, and, before the breaking out of small-pox, make with a fine instrument a small puncture (like that made by a gnat) in a child’s limb, and introduce into the blood as much of that matter as is measured by a quarter of a ratti. Thus the wise physician renders the child secure from the eruption of the small-pox.’ This communication was shown to Mr. Colebrooke and Mr. Blaquiere, both eminent Sanscrit scholars, and they both suspected that it was an interpolation. …….. I believe I may further add that Mr. Colebroke made inquiries whilst in India, which fully satisfied him that no original work of the kind ever had existence. Sir John Malcolm has also been kind enough to ascertain that no such book is to be found in the library of the East India Company. From these statements it must be apparent, that the wellmeant devices of those who attempted to propagate vaccination in India have led to the belief that the practice was known to the Hindoos in earlier times."

It may be added that Dr. Anderson, above referred to, is congratulated by Jenner’s biographer on his "unceasing exertions at Fort St. George."

Appendix  Index