Thomas Dorman MD

Seeing is believing

[Your newsletter author has reversed this saying into Believing is seeing to convey the idea that we filter information to reinforce our prejudice.]

Slogans are Lies in Camouflage

[I first came to suspect slogans when reading the clever repartee of the greatest conversationalist of the last century, Oscar Wilde. I remember, as a youth, analyzing some of the clever paradoxes which bounded out of him endlessly and realized, after awhile, that they all contained an element of truth but were misleading in substance. As I grew older, I came to realize that this statement is true for all slogans.]

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure

[This seems to be a lure to the unwary who might buy into what they do not need and, when habituated to this approach, to what might be harmful to them.]

After these cynical tidbits, let us look at the contemporary scene of Vaccination. Readers will know that this newsletter makes no apologies for raising controversy. The vast flow of information on the subject deals only with the positive. Accordingly, this is an attempt to address the balance. I will, however, make a few comments about what I consider to be the beneficent effect of certain vaccines.

The first vaccination

Smallpox was prevalent in England for over 200 years before Edward Jenner (1749-1823). Born in Berkeley in Gloucestershire, England, he is one of the most admirable figures in the history of medicine. It was sometimes said that he was lazy and of only fair intelligence. This view came from the sophisticated doctors of London who underestimated the honest countryman that he remained all his life. He believed simple people. From his boyhood, Jenner was determined to become a doctor. At the age of 13, he became a surgeon's assistant near Bristol where he remained for a period of six years.

One day, a young countrywoman came to the surgery and the conversation turned to the subject of smallpox. She said, "I cannot take that disease, for I have had cowpox." This phrase impressed itself on Jenner, who observed its truth in his practice among farmers and their families. When he was 21, he went to London where he became the pupil and friend of the celebrated Scot surgeon, John Hunter (1728-1793), founder of Pathological Anatomy in England, inventor of a method of ligating aneurysms, and creator of an anatomical museum.

Hunter's contribution to science, and his own personal experience, are emblematic of the problems of vaccination, and it is perhaps an irony of history that Jenner, his most celebrated pupil, should rightly be regarded as the father of immunization, while Hunter's heroism is viewed as mere foolhardiness. Hunter was not an academic but a fervid and intelligent experimenter who became the victim of one of his own experiments. In an attempt to learn if gonorrhea and syphilis were two different diseases, or merely two forms of the same disease, he inoculated himself with pus from a patient. As luck would have it, he had chosen a patient infected with both conditions. This circumstance led him to state erroneously that gonorrhea and syphilis were one and the same and that they produced syphilitic aortic aneurysms; in fact, John Hunter died from such an aneurysm.

After a two-year sojourn with Hunter in London, Jenner returned to Berkeley. In Gloucestershire, it had long been common knowledge that milkmaids who caught cowpox were immune to smallpox.1 This must have been known the length and breadth of England amongst the common people. It was, however, not received opinion among the learned.

Perhaps Jenner's bravery is similar to that of Galileo Galilei. Jenner took the information, which was common knowledge amongst the lay, into science, while Galileo simply expanded his new ideas in the vernacular. Does humanity have a common heritage and a common destiny, or are we stratified into classes? This stratification is not always admitted; more on this later. When Louis Pasteur took-up vaccination on the basis of Jenner's work, he attempted to modulate the virus of rabies to induce immunization. This was probably successful. From these observations sprang the profession of Immunology. Let us briefly look, however, at two unstated aspects of the original discovery. Though smallpox decimated city dwellers, immunity was commonplace amongst country folk. Whence came smallpox in antiquity? History does not tell us; however, the relationship of disease to the host raises fundamental questions about biology and evolution. Putting it the other way around, if you were to assume that received opinion on evolution as it now stands is erroneous, if you were to assume that life on Earth is an holistic cooperative milieu, we might come to consider the relationship of health and disease, of host and parasite, in a new light. You see, our thinking has been so conditioned by the Hobbsian concept of 'the fight of all against all,' modulated by Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin2 into the ideas of natural selection, that we do not often contemplate the questions and paradoxes from another point of view. This newsletter is making such an attempt.

Other vaccinations : Whooping cough

Pertussis, or whooping cough, used to be a very serious disease, especially for young girls and infants below the age of one year.3 The reason was not only the exhausting paroxysmal coughing but also its duration. The Chinese and Japanese call it The 100 day disease.

In the 1940s, treatment consisted of the administration of Sulfonamide and convalescent, or hyperimmune human or rabbit serum globulin. It is well known, and less publicized, that a change of air was widely used as a quite effective treatment. One of the causative organisms, Bordetella pertussis, is remarkably sensitive to changes in composition and temperature of air, and to changes in altitude; however, it is quite understandable that many saw a need for effective prophylaxis, so doctors and researchers looked for an effective vaccine.

The vaccine arrived first in the 1940s. Between 1942 and 1944, controlled trials were conducted in Oxford City, England in children attending welfare clinics and day nurseries. McFarland, et. al.,4 1945, published results of these trials. The results were most unimpressive (55% versus 63% in a cohort of 327). Other studies, which followed, also showed mixed but overall unimpressive results. Nonetheless, Pertussis vaccine has become the standard of care throughout the civilized world, based on this English (and subsequently Anglo-American) dominance.5,6

It took until 1979, when at least one country (Sweden), rejected the use of Pertussis vaccine; it was ineffective, nay, it was harmful.7,8 What is particularly interesting is that follow-up of the incidence of whooping cough in Sweden, after the vaccine was stopped (we now have almost 20 years of information), showed no worsening of their fate in that regard. There has been a whole, and impressive, study written on the lack of correlation between the incidence of disease and the relevant vaccination.9

In any case a whole series of mysterious epidemics have been recorded, which have seemingly disappeared.10 One erstwhile medical heretic has questioned the association with brain damage in particular,11 based on some solid research.12 One must admit that, in the case of Pertussis, a number of fundamental questions remain unanswered. Is the clinical disease whooping cough always due to the Bordetella pertussis bacterium? Or to Pertussis Type B? In some instances, viruses have been identified, and it is possible that the vaccine is effective against the bacterial cases and not the viral ones.

In recent times, there have been strong suggestions that a tendency to respiratory disease is induced by vaccination.13 The increasing incidence of asthma, and deaths from asthma in the civilized world, are undoubted. It has been correlated objectively with the incidence of chest physicians in the communities. This is an excellent example where coincidence does not reflect cause and effect (at least we hope not), but it does raise the possibility that medical intervention in general may have delayed unfavorable effects.

This is one of the many problems with the modern research paradigm. For practical and financial reasons, research projects are short-term. Long-term follow-up is simply not available for controlled experiments in large groups. It is undeniable, however, that a stimulus to the immune system will last the individual's life. It is, therefore, one proposition of this article that the probable, and at least occasional, harm from vaccination is ignored because of our habit of conducting research in a stylized form which rejects individual case studies, rejects anecdotal reports, and excludes long-term follow-up.

This is not to say that controlled studies are bad; it is merely a comment on one of their limitations. We should keep an open mind, therefore, to the criticism of the lay public and to serious accounts of anecdotal problems. At the end of this article, you will find extensive source material on some of the organized and responsible critiques from the lay public under Additional Resources.14 Some of the references in this article stem from these sources. It is my proposal that this material collectively should be taken very seriously by the medical profession if we are to maintain our responsibility to our patients/customers, the Hippocratic Oath. We have held honored this oath for 2.5 millennia, and we should not abandon it now with slogans such as The scientific method, or on the basis of the official organizations because they lack outside validation. These include The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).15

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

I have frequently observed that great discoveries almost invariably come from outside the profession they concern. All of us in the medical profession have been alarmed and concerned about the increasing incidence of sudden infant deaths in recent decades. The realization of this phenomenon has crept upon the profession of pediatrics only gradually after a lot of initial denial. The scenario is usually that of an infant found dead in its crib for no apparent reason.16 It was, therefore, with amazement and delight that I read an explanation which, if we believe the writer (and I do), is best summarized in her own words:

"On 12 October 1985, my life changed profoundly. [She goes on to an explanation of the development of a monitoring system for babies' breathing and came to the realization that with the use of this device by volunteer parents, an altered pattern of breathing occurs before the sudden death (shallow breathing).] We also learned, from parents who monitored a subsequent child after a cot death, that most commonly the previous child had died after DPT injection. [DPT stands for Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus vaccination - ed.] We realized that a great number of cot deaths follows DPT injections, and we felt that we had to address the issue. However, when we approached a few pediatricians with this observation and conclusion, we realized that we had touched a very sensitive, contentious issue. Once again, we were forced to start our own research for the truth."17

The book, which this writer strongly recommends to interested parents, goes on to describe this woman's research (from a skeptic's point of view) into the use and abuse of vaccines, interestingly entering into the subject from an unbiased perspective that of an intelligentobserver from outside the profession. Scheibner makes many intelligent comments based on her research of the literature, most of it alarming. She, and others,18,19 had already raised, in the two decades earlier, serious questions about vaccines.Unfortunately, questions have been raised about all vaccines. To get a detailed account of the critiques, readers will want to refer to the cited material. Suffice it, for the purpose of this article, to encapsulate some of their concerns.

Measles vaccine is associated with central nervous system immune problems.20 The mumps vaccine seems probably to be barely effective, if at all, in preventing the disease, and might have increased the attack rate. There were some reports of serious neurological sequelae probably associated with the vaccine. Rubella vaccination has developed a similar reputation,21 although it is generally believed that preventing acute rubella in pregnant women, particularly in the first trimester, is strongly protective against congenital abnormalities of the fetus. Tetanus vaccine (a bacterial illness provoked by the exotoxin of the bacillus) is undoubtedly one of the best examples of an immensely effective vaccine. What is interesting, here, is that it is the vaccine against the toxin, not the bacterium. Influenza vaccination, although promoted extensively by the authorities, is probably ineffectual (I base this on 20 years of personal experience as a provider of this vaccine) and certainly has been associated with nasty neurologic complications such as Guillian-Barrè syndrome.

The incidence of polio declined before the advent of the vaccine22 and rose again after the introduction of the Salk vaccine itself.23,24 It has been suggested that the Pertussis vaccine, or at least the DPT vaccine, might have somehow provoked the polio epidemic.25 Hill [vide infra] wrote, "Early in the epidemic, attention was directed to a few patients who had been given an injection of Pertussis vaccine, or of a mixture of Diphtheria toxoid and Pertussis vaccine, shortly before the onset of their symptoms.26 The parents of these children were naturally inclined to blame the inoculations for the development of the disease, though their medical attendants either dismissed the probability of any causal relationship, or else considered the effect to be due to a radiculitis caused by the vaccine. Considerable evidence, however, will be presented to show that such an association has existed in this epidemic."

Hill, the famous British statisticians (best known for their research on the relationship between smoking and lung cancer) wrote, "This paralysis has sometimes been limited to the limbs in which the injection was made." Sometimes it has involved other limbs, as well In most cases the diagnosis of poliomyelitis was made in commenting on the sporadic illnesses seemingly provoked by the Pertussis vaccine. The polio virus was isolated from the stool of some of these children, as well. Scheibner details much more information than this.

Unfortunately, these early reports are but the tip of rather an unpleasant iceberg. Two separate epidemiological studies have shown a high correlation between the spread of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) with both vaccination against polio and vaccination against smallpox.27,28 The connection with smallpox emerged first from the research of an internist in Hollywood, Dr. Ropbert Strecker, who came upon this information tangentially. He and his (attorney) brother were looking at the possibility of forming a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and he, at the time, as a practicing internist and a gastroenterologist, found himself in the midst of the AIDS epidemic in Southern California's homosexual capital.

Some of Strecker's information is outdated, but a revisionist writer and reporter has recently published a book, established a web page, and lectures widely on the subject. This is perhaps the best source of information, although readers would do well to verify data for themselves.29 The relationship to the polio vaccine was hypothesized also by a worker from outside medicine. It goes without saying, that the medical establishment has roundly rejected this very logical analysis. It was however, published.30 Are these merely scare stories? What is in the vaccine? How is it produced? Is it possible for a vaccine to be contaminated? Alas, the answers to these three questions are not favorable. Vaccines are grown in living tissue. Some of them are produced by harvesting serum from the scarified skin of domestic animals, such as horses and cattle. Others are harvested from tissue cultures, often using monkey kidney cell lines.

There are a number of problems with maintaining live cells in tissue cultures. The technology of tissue culture limits the options in the production line. The transfer of these cells between laboratories is promiscuous. What is in the genetic material of these cells? Why do they behave differently from ordinary cells? After all, ordinary cells do not allow themselves to be maintained indefinitely in tissue culture. This is similar to the difference between the organization and senescence of cells in an intact body, on the one hand, and malignancies on the other.

I do not know the answer to the question implied, that there is a malignant characteristic of these cells. It remains a truism, however, that these cells are widely contaminated with various viral species, some of which have been identified; for instance, SV40 (this stands for Simian Virus 40)31,32 putatively, a harmless passenger. First of all, I am insecure with the statement that it is harmless and, secondly, it may merely be a representative of a series of contaminant viruses, not all of which have been identified. Undoubtedly, the individuals who have been vaccinated, with vaccines such as the polio vaccine, have been subjected to these other supposedly benign viruses in the 'bargain.' It has been suggested, for instance, that the present epidemic of chronic fatigue syndrome is merely polio in a new dress.33 The humanitarian attempt by Rotary International to eradicate polio world-wide by vaccinating the children of the world may, alas, and accordingly, represent a disaster waiting in the wings.34

Turning point

If, therefore, vaccination is at best a mixed blessing and at worst a harmful interference with the biology of our species, how does that square with received opinion? It does not. Here, we need to take a step back and look at the concept species.

What is a species?

Linneaus classified organisms according to their complexity when he rearranged them on the shelves of The Natural Museum of History of Stockholm, Sweden. Carlous Linneaus (1707-1778), published in Systema Naturae. This information was attractive to Charles Darwin when he speculated on the origin of the species in his famous The Origin of the Species, 1859.

You see how the term species crept in without a very clear definition. It was later stated that a species is a cluster of creatures or plants which can reproduce amongst themselves. Thus, for instance, Homo sapiens is a species because inter-racial breeding is possible. Contrariwise, it is assumed that horses and donkeys are not of a uniform species because their off-spring, the mule, is itself infertile; but you see how the existence of the mule is something of an intermediate state.

Problems akin to this have plagued the concept of species from its inception. When dealing with small so-called primitive organisms, the facility for demarcation between species diminishes markedly.

There are at least two reasons for this. In multi-cellular creatures and plants, the definition of species is based primarily on their anatomy. The appearance of microorganisms is less consistent. Although Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur held the view that species of bacteria have one form only, all microbiologists have the experience of variations in forms in every bacteriological laboratory. These are sometimes dismissed as inconveniences, irregularities in the growth of the cultures due to variations in the medium, or to laboratory error. Nonetheless, these variations are common experience.

More importantly, it has been demonstrated that species can change, seemingly wholesale and seemingly in multiple locations. Whether this is an adaptation to the environments, in the Darwinian concept, or whether this is some sort of predestined evolutionary world-wide change, is a matter of philosophical prejudice, but these changes have been documented well.35

Is it possible, then, that there is a merging of biological properties between microorganisms, genetically and morphologically? Is it possible that this bears a relationship to their interaction with more complex organisms, the process we call disease? Perhaps there is a circularity to these relationships. Perhaps perturbing this balance, this cybernetic relationship with attempts in vaccination or, for that matter, attempts with extensive use of antibiotic therapy, merely disrupts the balanced cybernetic relationship without with, as is natural for self-correcting servomechanisms, returns to its original balance after a number of perturbations?

If this is so, perhaps it is not surprising that diseases which are perturbed reappear in another 'dress.' I have been mystified by the disappearance of syphilis in the age of sexual promiscuity. Where has this disease gone? At least some observers, albeit not physicians, have suggested that it is AIDS in a new dress.36,37

The imperfect relationship between the process of infection and disease has also remained problematic.38 We are taught that the "size of the inoculum" bears a relationship to the success of the take, i.e., the infectivity. This contrasts with the 'infectivity' of an inoculum on a culture medium, emphasizing the importance of the properties of the host. This has been explained as a matter of overcoming limited resistance, or immunity. I have not found this explanation entirely satisfactory because, if the medium is conducive to growth, surely each infecting organism might act alone. Is there cooperation between the infecting organisms? Who knows.

Another puzzle has been the presence of immunity against certain illnesses in certain communities. For instance, in the Middle East most individuals have antibodies to hepatitis-B while 'virgin' populations, such as workers in kidney dialysis units, have been extremely susceptible on occasion by this blood-borne infection. It is not quite plain how individuals, raised in the societies where this disease is endemic, are not decimated. There has to be more to the relationship of the disease, and the hosts and the community, than the concept conveyed by invading little devils, or a rain of new bullets. This relationship is categorically absent from the reductionist view of modern biology. Perhaps the limiting concept, is species.


If we are willing, therefore, to accept that life on the planet is more or less continuous, that the demarcation between species is imprecise, that individuals are instances of temporary housing of a morphological reflection of certain aspects of the biota (the word biota is used here as a reflection of some kind of uniformity of the whole of biology), a number of paradoxes disappear, though I admit that others are raised.39

Burnet believed that all organisms, at least all complex organisms, contain within them something of the whole of the biological world. The whole biota. This certainly would explain how it is possible for our lymphocytes to recognize antigens from almost any organic source. How is it that they have, programmed within themselves, receptor sites, or some mechanism for recognizing all these multiple biological entities?

Individuals can develop immunity to all sorts of molecules which they or their ancestors have never encountered, as far as we can reasonably judge. How are they programmed to do this? Is it conceivable that the template is manufactured de novo when the lymphocytes come into contact with a new molecule? Based on our knowledge of receptor sites, by other criteria, they are highly developed entities. If we assume, however, that through some mechanism unknown, the development of individual organisms within species is predicated on some kind of re-evolution with the development of each individual. Perhaps on the basis of fractals, the problem is less of a challenge. Additionally, it might explain away the complete deficiency of information about anatomy and ontogeny in the DNA genome, a major problem in biology which has puzzled the intelligent and written-up by at least one important observer (yes, you guessed it; also from outside medicine and biology).40

Another perspective

Günther Enderlein was the last of a limited school of scientists who did not fall into what became later received opinion of biology. We are lucky that one of his studies regarding the morphology of bacteria, their variations, their inter-relationships and its significance, though published in German in 1925, has just appeared in English.41 From his perspective, his followers now hold that mammalian cells consist of a symbiosis of the natural mammalian programming combined with a resident plant-like partner. The relationship between these entities is balanced, one might say for mutual benefit, but that when the balance changes, the equivalent of disease occurs in the creature which we ordinarily observe in clinical medicine; this is the patient. The balance is predicated on the cyclical changes of this internal partner, the endobiont in Enderlein's classification (readers will find an extensive terminological turmoil when starting to study the subject) but, from a therapeutic point of view, the important news is that, based on Enderlein's research and his establishment of a routine for preparing remedies which influence these balances, it is possible for the savvy therapist to make changes; this is not akin to killing the enemy using an antibiotic to decimate specific bacteria, nor is this simply pouring in immune substances which will fight the enemy. The approach is more subtle by an order of magnitude. It is that of re-balancing the relationship between the two symbiotic partners by changing the internal milieu, mostly the acid-base balance and the redox potential, of the host with diet and nutrient supplements, on the one hand, and the valency of the endobiont, through a propagated method, with its own species. These are the Enderleinian (Sanum) remedies.

It seems, to those of us who are learning to use these techniques here in America (they have been in use in Europe, mostly the German-speaking lands, for over 30years) that the enhancement of health with these methods is so subtle that it probably obviates the need for many therapeutic interventions. I doubt if it will substitute for immunization against tetanus, and if smallpox were prevalent, the same comment would apply, but in all probability it has a role to play both in protection and treatment of a host of other diseases including some of those for which vaccination has turned out to be a mixed blessing, at best.

A cause for alarm?

There have appeared a number of reports that certain vaccines contain hidden biological weapons. As we have mentioned, a number of complications affecting the central nervous system and perhaps the introduction of unwanted disease, through contamination of vaccines, are now well established. Cynics have claimed that the viral contaminants are not contaminates at all, but are there for the purpose of provoking disease in unwanted populations; at least, on an experimental basis.

The history of eugenics is not mysterious. It begins with a cousin of Charles Darwin, SirFrancis Galton (1822-1911), reflected mostly in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty, 1883. There exists essentially two perspectives about the place of Human Beings in the best order of things. On the one hand, we can list the biblical approach wherein it is believed that God gave Man husbandry of the fauna and flora of the planet for his benefit, to grow and multiply. In modern times, this is supported by the ideas of laissez faire, by the population and economic studies of Julian Simon42 and, in a non-religious context, it is supported by the philosophy of Ayn Rand,43 who believed that there could be no conflict between rational men (albeit, from this writer's perspective, most conflict is due to the irrationality of certain men), and with the deterioration of the standard of education,44 the problem is worsening.

The other perspective is that even though Human Beings are the product of natural evolution, and a beast like all others, a random production of a random mutation and natural selection, nonetheless, this very natural acme of evolution is a cancer on the planet. The slogan 'I have seen the enemy, and it is I' is an example of what I alluded to earlier, that all slogans are disinformation. According to this perspective, which the Christians would probably correctly call Satanic, the elite, the keepers of the herd, the Illuminati will be inclined to decimate a large portion of these useless eaters. The Nazis took their aim at the Untermench, the lesser breeds, after decimating the mentally retarded and the homosexuals. Then went the Gypsies, the Jews, the Slavs.45,46,47 We in America are following their footsteps. Our classification is a little different. Unfortunately, the system is identical. Do we not have registration of the population to the 'nth' degree? Do we not have classification by groups?

It is, therefore, alarming to read that some researchers have found anti-reproductive antibodies in apparently benign vaccines. It is reported and alas this writer cannot confirm firsthand that anti-tetanus toxoid, distributed in Third World countries, contains human chorionic gonadotrophin (hGH).48,49 If this is so, this is a form of provoking immunity against pregnancy; in other words, sterilization. Travelers have reported that, in the Philippines, tetanus toxoid is given to women between age 15 and 45. Are not men at greater risk of wounds in an agricultural setting, as they always have been, and for whom tetanus toxoid has hitherto been recommended? Unfortunately this is a rhetorical question. Are there too many of us Human Beings?50 Should we destroy the fecundity of some by stealth?

For myself, as an objectivist and believer in laissez faire, the answer is a clear no. What is the Quality Control of the production of vaccines? Is there an independent community-based oversight of this production? Can we trust the insiders who have cinched their influence on government bodies?51

This writer is somewhat ambivalent, somewhat doubtful, in being completely trusting. For instance, the polio vaccine, promoted by Rotary International, is administered through the World Health Organization. The United Nations indeed has a very mixed reputation in its support for humanity. This writer believes it has an agenda for a New World Fascist regime.52

You see then, dear reader, how an attempt to review the role of vaccination is just too difficult when one attempts to confine oneself to the issues of immunology and biology. It is, therefore, again without apology that I have addressed a spectrum of issues. One of the difficulties a writer, like this physician has is in maintaining, or acquiring, a thorough knowledge of all the details of the issues. I do, however, believe that specialization neglects the whole. If any of you reading this article, wherever you find it or whoever you are, can help me with a more accurate perspective of any of the details, I thank you in advance.


1 The Suppressed ideas of Kropotkin on Evolution. Available on the web, Leading Edge International Research Group.   on the smallpox epidemic.

2 Fact, Fiction and Fraud in Modern Medicine Vol. 2 No.11, Nov. 1997.

3 Report of the Task Force on Pertussis and Pertussis Immunization. 1988. James B. Cherry, M.D., M.S.C. Vanderbilt Univ. School of Med. Nashville, TN

4 McFarland, A.M., et. al. Trial of Whooping Cough Vaccine in City and Residential Nursery Groups. BMJ 2:205-208, 1945.

5 Directly Transmitted Infections, Diseases: Controlled by Vaccination; by Roy M. Anderson and Robert M. May. Pub. in Science, Vol. 215, Feb. 26, 1982, pp 1053-1060.

6 Health Facts: Sinful Medical Consumers. Vol. 18:171. MD's Resist Hepatitis-B Vaccine Mandate for Infants as Safety Questions Surface About Immunizations. Aug. 1993.

7 Trollfors & Rabo. Whooping Cough in Adults. BMJ 213:696-697, 1981.

8 Neurological Complications of Pertussis Inoculation, by M. Kulenkampff, et. al. Archives of Disease of Childhood, 1974, Vol. 49, pg 46.

9 The Health of Nations: True Causes of Sickness and Well-being, by Leonard A. Sagan. Basic Books, Inc. Pub. New York, 1987.

10 Rats, Lice and History. Hans Zinsser. The Atlantic Monthly Press. Boston. 1934.

11 The People's Doctor. PO Box 982; Evanston, IL 60202. Vol.6:10 (Dr.Mendelsohn's erstwhile newsletter). The Dangers of DPT Vaccine, pp.1-8.

12 Encephalopathies Following Prophylactic Pertussis Vaccine, by Randolph K. Byers, M.D., Frederic C. Moll, M.D. Boston. Pediatrics, Apr. 1948.

13 Vaccination Dangers: Years of Research Show Why Our Children Should Not Be Vaccinated, by Dr. Gerhard Büchwald. Germany. Pub. Raum&Zeit. Vol.3:1. 1991, pp 4-10


Sightings.. Vaccinations: The facts!  

Vaccination: 100 years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. First Australian edition pub. 1993. 178 Govetts Leap Rd; Black Heath NSW Australia 2785. (Ph: 02-4787-8203; Fax 02-4787-8988) Available in the USA from New Atlantean Press, PO Box 9638, Sante Fe, NM 87504 (Ph: 505-983-1856)

National Vaccine Information Center, 512 W. Maple Ave. Ste 206; Vienna, VA 22180. Ph: 703-938-DPT3 or 703-9380342. Fax 703-938-5768. Order Line: 800-909-SHOT.

Vaccination Alternatives. PO Box 346; New York, NY 10023. Ph: 212-870-5117

The National Health Federation. PO Box 688, Monrovia, CA 91016; 818-357-2181.

Vaccine Research Institute. PO Box 4182, Northbrook, IL 60065. Immunization Hotline.

Immunization Hotline; c/o James Filenbaum; 2 Executive Blvd. #201-P; Suffern, NY 10901. 914-357-0200.

Homeopathic Physicians Opposed to Vaccines. Homeopathic Resource Center, 1004-T Broad Street, Duram, NC 27705. 919-286-0500.

New Atlantean Press. Thinktwice Global Vaccine Institute, PO Box 9638; Sante Fe, NM 87504. 505-983-1856 (phone & fax).   email:   

15 Here is one of many examples of secondary publications based on this influence: Vaccinate Adults! A bulletin for adult medicine specialists from The Immunization Action Coalition. 1573 Selby Ave., Ste 234. St. Paul, MN 55104.

16 Stopping Crib Death, by Joseph G. Hattersley. Apr. 7, 1994.

17 Vaccination: 100 years of Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a Medical Assault on the Immune System, by Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. First Australian edition pub. 1993, page xv.

18 Govetts Leap Rd; Black Heath NSW Australia 2785. (Ph: 02-4787-8203; Fax 02-4787-8988) Available in the USA from New Atlantean Press, PO Box 9638, Sante Fe, NM 87504 (Ph: 505-983-1856).

19 Confessions of a Medical Heretic. Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. Warner Books, New York 1979.

20 Acceptance of Measles Vaccine. The Lancet, Aug. 20, 1997, p 387. A leader.

21 Risk of Chronic Arthropathy Amongst Women After Rubella Vaccination. Paula Wray, et. al. JAMA, Aug. 20, 1997. Vol. 258:7, pp. 551-556.

22 Vaccination: The Shot that Keeps on Shooting, by Thomas Levy, M.D., F.A.C.C., Colorado Springs, CO. Pub. Extraordinary Science, Oct. 1994, pp27-37.

23 All Polio in U.S. now Caused by Vaccine. The Seattle Times, Tues. Jun. 10, 1993, p B4.5

24 Epidemiology of Poliomyelitis in the United States One Decade After the Last Reported Case of Indigenous Wild-Associated Disease, by Peter M. Strebel, et. al. Clinical Infectious Disease Feb. 1992, pp 568-579.

25 McCloskey, B.P. The Relation of Prophylactic Innoculation to the Onset of Poliomyelitis. Lancet Apr 18, 1950, pp 659-663.

26 The Dark Side of Immunizations? A Controversial Hypothesis Suggests that Vaccine May Abet Diabetes, Asthma, by Nathan Seppa. Science News Vol 152, Nov 22, 1997.

27 Possible Origins of AIDS, by Tom Curtis. Science May 29, 1992, pp. 1259-1261.

28 Vaccines and Projection of Negative Genetic Changes in Humans (author not identified) 1996-1998. Leading Edge Research Group. Vaccination and Genetic Change: Mobility of Genetic Material Between Life Forms.

29 Emerging viruses: AIDS & Ebola. Leonard G Horowitz. Tetrahedron Inc. Rockport MA. 1996. Tetrahedron Publishing Group, P.O.Box 402 Rockport MA 01966:. 800-336-9266. Web page:  

30 What Happens When Science Goes Bad. The Corruption of Science and the Origin of AIDS: A Study in Spontaneous Generation, by Louis Pascal. Working Paper No. 9. Dec. 1991. Univ. of Wollongong Science and Technology Analysis Research Program. Available from the Dept. of Science and Technology Studies. Univ. of Wollongong; PO Box 1144; Wollongoing NSW 2500 Australia. Ph: 61-42-213627. Fax: 61-42-213452.

31 Contamination of Polio Virus Vaccines with Simien Virus 40 (1955-1963) and Subsequent Cancer Rates, by Howard D. Strickler, et. al. JAMA 1998, Vol. 270: 292-295.

32 Sightings.. The 40-year Legacy of Tainted Polio Vaccine, by Harold Stearley. May 14, 1998.

33 Chronic Fatigue: A Polio by Another Name. Control your Health, Vol 6:9. Jan. 1996.

34 Global Programme for Vaccine and Immunization. Expanded Programme on Immunization. World Health Organization, Geneva 1998. Courtesy of Rotary International personal communication.

35 Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens, by Lida H. Mattman. CRC Press, Boca Rotan, FL 1993. CRS Press; 2000 Corporate Blvd., NW; Boca Raton, FL 33431.

36 Syphilis as AIDS, by Robert Ben Mitchell. 1988. Pub. Banned Books; No. 292; PO Box 33280; Austin, TX 78764.

37 AIDS and Syphilis: The Hidden Link, by Harris L. Coulter. Pub. (P Limited; New Delhi, India 1987. Also available from North Atlantic Books, USA; 4221 - 45th St. NW; Washington, DC 20016.

38 Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS, by Bryan J. Ellison and Peter H. Duesberg. From Inside Story Communications, El Cerrito, CA 1994. [This book is no longer available]

39 Endurance of Life: The Implications of Genetics for Human Life, by MacFarlane Burnet. Cambridge Univ Press, June 1980.

40 Reflections on a Theory of Organisms, by Walter M. El Sasser. Èditions Orbis Publishing; 8 Abbott's Corner Rd; Frelighsburg, PC J0J 1C0 Canada. 1987.

41 Bacteria Cyclogeny: Prolegomea to a Study of the Structure, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction and Development of Bacteria, by Prof. Dr. Gùnther Enderlein, 1925. English translation 1999 Available from Enderlein Enterprises, PO Box 704, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273. Ph: 360-424-6025. Fax 360-424-6029.

42 The Ultimate Resource II, by Julian L. Simon, A Cato Institute book, Princeton Univ. Press. NJ, 1996.

43 See, for instance, For the New Intellectual, the Philosophy of Ayn Rand. Random House, NY 1961, and Ayn Rand: The Voice of Reason. Essays in Objectivist Thought, by Ayn Rand. Pub. Meridian Books, NY 1989.

44 ProfScam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education, by Charles J. Sykes. Regnary Gateway, Washington D.C. 1988.

45 The Scientific and Background of the Nazi "Race Purification" Program, U.S. and German Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Population Control by Theodore D. Hall, Ph.D. Available on the web, Leading Edge International Research Group.

46 America's Real War, by Rabbi Daniel Lapin. Multomah Pub., PO Box 1720, Sisters, OR 97759. Pub. 1999.

47 The Scientific and Background of the Nazi "Race Purification" Program, U.S. and German Eugenics, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Population Control by Theodore D. Hall, Ph.D. Available on the web, Leading Edge International Research Group.  

48 Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth-Control Drugs? James A. Miller, Special Correspondent for Human Life, International. 1995.

49 The Development of Anti-Fertility Vaccines Challenging the Immune System, written by Ute Sprenger.'usp/antifert.htm   Reproduced from by Biotechnology in Development Monitor. No. 25, Dec 1995, pp 2-5. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

50 An Essay on the Principal of Population, by Thomas R. Malthus. 1798.

51 The Vaccine Machine. A Gannett News Service Special Report written by correspondents Chris Collins and John Hanchette for The Reporter, a Gannett newspaper in Lansdale, PA, Dec. 1984.

52 Global TyrannyStep by Step: The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order, by William F. Jasper. Pub. Western Islands, Appleton, WI 1992.

Thomas Dorman, MD

March 1999

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