"Evidence of Harm" has won the 2005 Investigative Reporters and Editors
Award for Outstanding Investigative Reporting in a Book
.  EOH is also a
finalist for the NY Public Library Book Award for Excellence in Journalism.
The winner of that award will be announced May 10 at a special luncheon at
the NY Public Library.



Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic - A Medical
Controversy by David Kirby

Judges' comments: Autism, rare in the past, is exploding in the United
States , where it is now found in one in 166 children. Attention-deficit
disorder also has skyrocketed. And 1 in 6 children today has a learning
disability. David Kirby investigated whether one of the causes of these
childhood afflictions is thimerisol, a vaccine preservative that contains
mercury, a well-documented neurotoxin. In the 1990s, the mercury-containing
additive was injected into children far in excess of federal safety levels.
Kirby told the story of stonewalling, denial and cover-up by federal
regulators, medical groups and the pharmaceutical industry. And he documents
covert efforts by some of those same powerful forces - along with the U.S.
Congress - to grant blanket immunity for drug companies that put mercury in
vaccines. Like so many scientific controversies involving complex science
and big business, the topic is controversial. Kirby's careful and meticulous
reporting is exemplary in its balance, accuracy and documentation.