Eli Lilly quotes
Eli Lilly

See quotes:  Pharma hoax   Toxic psychiatry   Thimerosal   Tamoxifen   Fluoxetine (Prozac) 


"From the beginning of time, diabetes was a death sentence. In 1911 professor Scott http://www.whale.to/v/scott/1.html discovered and documented the cure for Diabetes. All Physicians had only treated the results of diabetes, such as heart, liver and kidney damage, gangrene and blindness, but not diabetes. Everything went along the same as usual, diabetic patients dying, until the 1920's when Dr. Scott developed and standardized the blood test for diabetes. During this period, the Medical Establishment in their pompous ignorance and diabolical greed, murdered Dr. Scott's wife and only son. The Eli Lilly Co. was given the sole and only monopoly for the manufacture and sale of insulin, by the Big Establishment, which controls all monopolies. Lilly's problem was, they could not make insulin. Therefore by stealth, deceit and conspiracy, a Lilly conspirator confiscated Scott's procedures and technique for production of insulin.
    The Medical Establishment then forced Sir Dr. Frederick Banting to accept a Doctor of Medicine degree that he did not want and in which he had no interest. Next the Establishment gave the Nobel prize to Banting (a very honorable man) and Best (not so honorable) to cover up Lilly's theft of Scott's scientific discovery. Thus the Big Establishment conferred credibility upon Eli Lilly and Company. Lilly has had the monopoly on insulin ever since, making hundreds of millions of dollars down through the years."--Dr Kelly DDS

Prozac  [See: Fluoxetine]
Basically what Eli Lilly had to do was cover up that risk of mania and psychosis, cover up that some people were becoming suicidal because they were getting this nervous agitation from Prozac. That's the only way it got approved. There were various ways they did the cover-up. One was just to simply remove reports of psychosis from some of the data. They also went back and recoded some of the trial results. Let's say someone had a manic episode or a psychotic episode; instead of putting that down, they would just put down a return of depression, and that sort of thing. So there was a basic need to hide these risks right from the beginning, and that's what was done. Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

Basically, what Eli Lilly (Prozac's manufacturer) had to do was cover up the psychosis, cover up the mania; and, in that manner, it was able to get these drugs approved. One FDA reviewer even warned that Prozac appeared to be a dangerous drug, but it was approved anyway.
    We're seemingly finding all this out only now: "Oh, Prozac can cause suicidal impulses and all these SSRIs may increase the risk of suicide." The point is that wasn't anything new. That data was there from the very first trial. You had people in Germany saying, "I think this is a dangerous drug."
    Before the late 1980s -- in the early '80s, before Prozac gets approved. Basically what Eli Lilly had to do was cover up that risk of mania and psychosis, cover up that some people were becoming suicidal because they were getting this nervous agitation from Prozac. That's the only way it got approved.
    There were various ways they did the cover-up. One was just to simply remove reports of psychosis from some of the data. They also went back and recoded some of the trial results. Let's say someone had a manic episode or a psychotic episode; instead of putting that down, they would just put down a return of depression, and that sort of thing. So there was a basic need to hide these risks right from the beginning, and that's what was done.
    So Prozac gets approved in 1987, and it's launched in this amazing PR campaign. The pill itself is featured on the cover of several magazines! It's like the Pill of the Year [laughs]. And it's said to be so much safer: a wonder drug. We have doctors saying, "Oh, the real problem with this drug is that we can now create whatever personality we want. We're just so skilled with these drugs that if you want to be happy all the time, take your pill!"
    That was complete nonsense. The drugs were barely better than placebo at alleviating depressive symptoms over the short term. You had all these problems; yet we were touting these drugs, saying, "Oh, the powers of psychiatry are such that we can give you the mind you want -- a designer personality!" It was absolutely obscene. Meanwhile, which drug, after being launched, quickly became the most complained about drug in America? Prozac!
     In this county, we have Medwatch, a reporting system in which we report adverse events about psychiatric drugs to the FDA. By the way, the FDA tries to keep these adverse reports from the public. So, instead of the FDA making these easily available to the public. so you can know about the dangers of the drugs, it's very hard to get these reports.
    Within one decade, there were 39,000 adverse reports about Prozac that were sent to Medwatch. The number of adverse events sent to Medwatch is thought to represent only one percent of the actual number of such events. So, if we get 39,000 adverse event reports about Prozac, the number of people who have actually suffered such problems is estimated to be 100 times as many, or roughly four million people. This makes Prozac the most complained about drug in America, by far. There were more adverse event reports received about Prozac in its first two years on the market than had been reported on the leading tricyclic antidepressant in 20 years.
    Remember, Prozac is pitched to the American public as this wonderfully safe drug, and yet what are people complaining about? Mania, psychotic depression, nervousness, anxiety, agitation, hostility, hallucinations, memory loss, tremors, impotence, convulsions, insomnia, nausea, suicidal impulses. It's a wide range of serious symptoms.
    And here's the kicker. It wasn't just Prozac. Once we got the other SSRIs on the market, like Zoloft and Paxil, by 1994, four SSRI antidepressants were among the top 20 most complained about drugs on the FDA's Medwatch list. In other words, every one of these drugs brought to market started triggering this range of adverse events. And these were not minor things. When you talk about mania, hallucinations, psychotic depression, these are serious adverse events.
    Prozac was pitched to the American public as a wonder drug. It was featured on the covers of magazines as so safe, and as a sign of our wonderful ability to effect the brain just as we want it. In truth, the reports were showing it could trigger a lot of dangerous events, including suicide and psychosis.
    The FDA was being warned about this. They were getting a flood of adverse event reports, and the public was never told about this for the longest period of time. It took a decade for the FDA to begin to acknowledge the increased suicides and the violence it can trigger in some people. It just shows how the FDA betrayed the American people. This is a classic example. They betrayed their responsibility to act as a watchdog for the American people. Instead they acted as an agency that covered up harm and risk with these drugs. Psychiatric Drugs: An Assault on the Human Condition Street Spirit Interview with Robert Whitaker

Strattera is a failed antidepressant, which Eli Lilly didn't succeed to get approved. It was recycled and used as an "ADHD medication", and marketed as the first "non stimulant medication for ADHD". As many parents, despite all published lies about the "benefits" of stimulants like Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall, don't want to give dangerous narcotic drugs to their kids, Lilly saw the chance to get a good market share for Strattera.   [Media May 2006] Eli Lilly's Strattera - 130 reports of suicidality in one month

Tamoxifen   [See: Tamoxifen]
I worked for Array Biopharma designing Tamoxifen derivatives for Eli Lilly. Because Tamoxifen was shown to ignite higher cancer rates among women, Eli Lilly hoped to replace it by developing a new "chemical cousin." We were unsuccessful in our attempts. Despite its known danger, Tamoxifen remained on the market. I noticed that ads from Eli Lilly for Tamoxifen insisted that it might decrease cancer risk. This was the exact opposite of what biochemists found in the lab and reported. [2006] Interview of Shane Ellison author of Health Myths Exposed

Thimerosal   [See: Thimerosal  Eli Lilly Thimerosal safety study (1931)]
In July 2002, the Indianapolis Star newspaper quoted the lawyers Waters and Kraus as saying that "Lilly flim-flammed scientists for years with a 1931 study that concluded thiomersal wasn't harmful to humans". The Star went on: "The study, published in the American Journal of Hygiene, reported that merthiolate has a very low order of toxicity......for man".
  Digging further, Waters found out that the study's toxicity data came from experimental use of thiomersal by doctors from Lilly and Indianapolis City Hospital on meningitis patients during a severe outbreak in 1929-30. 'The 1931 study on a cohort of severely ill people (who all died) ended up being quoted in Lilly brochures into the 1980s', Waters said. 'It very clearly demonstrates an effort to do an unethical study and then paint the results in a certain way that helps them sell this product'. Lilly ignored or covered up later evidence that thiomersal, which contains 50 per cent mercury by weight, can be dangerous to humans", Waters said."--David Thrower

Thimerosal was tested only once, by Eli Lilly on 22 adult patients suffering from meningitis. There was no chance for follow-up to observe long-term effects, as all of the patients in this "study" died. Even if follow-up had been possible, damage to the developing brains of very young children would have remained an unknown. Eli Lilly said it was safe and the medical community accepted it. After the creation of the FDA, its use was simply continued. The federal government has never tested the type of mercury in vaccines for toxicity. This is an unconscionable oversight failure at best, at worse it is an example that we have left consensus reality to be created by the liars, thieves, cheats, killers, and the junk scientists they employ.
    How it came to pass the AAP joined these rogues and became an active participant in this skullduggery is beyond reason – is even beyond greed. They have remained silent as mercury laden vaccine continue to be exported and used in all third world and second world countries.
    We are living in a time where an incredible overplay and lies and self-aggrandizing behavior and non-science is the norm. We have tolerated the junk science that has covered up the true cause of this epidemic at a considerable cost to science, the public, and our very way of life in this country. Is it stretch to realize that by putting our collective heads in the sand about the autism epidemic we have made it possible for the destruction of our very civilization? LES INCOMPETANTS: OPEN LETTER TO THE AAP By K. Paul Stoller, M.D.

"The documents clearly demonstrate that Lilly's thimerosal product, the mercury-based vaccine preservative implicated in a number of recent law suits as causing neurological injury to infants, was known as early as April 1930 to be dangerous. In its apparent eagerness to promote and market the product, in September, 1930, Eli Lilly secretly sponsored a "human toxicity" study on patients already known to be dying of meningococcal meningitis. Senior partner Andrew Waters stated that, "Lilly then cited this study repeatedly for decades as proof that thimerosal was of low toxicity and harmless to humans.  They never revealed to the scientific community or the public the highly questionable nature of the original research.""--Press release

Currently, members of the IOM's governing Council include, among 19 others , Gail H. Cassell, PhD, of Eli Lilly and Company and Helene D. Gayle, MD, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – the same foundation that donated the world's sixth largest charitable gift of $1.5 billion to create and sustain GAVI.
    Lilly is the original manufacturer of thimerosal, a mercury derivative used in childhood vaccines as a preservative. The result of a discovery process by law firm Waters and Kraus showed that Lilly knew of mercury's toxicity as early as 1930 but nonetheless “secretly sponsored a human toxicity study on patients already known to be dying of meningococcal meningitis.”
    “Lilly then cited this study repeatedly for decades as proof that thimerosal was of low toxicity and harmless to humans," states a press release from the law firm.
    While Lilly ceased the sale of thimerosal in 1991, their licensing agreements demonstrate continued profits from the product until at least 2010.
    Lilly is the single biggest contributor to the Republican Party from the pharmaceutical industry donating $1.6 million in the last US election.
    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), co-sponsor of Senate Bill 3, was the author of a controversial bill that contained a provision that would protect Eli Lilly and other vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits over mercury in the 2002 Homeland Security Act.
    Frist's other notable tie to Lilly is the fact that the vaccine manufacturer bought 5,000 copies of the senator's book on bioterrorism and distributed them to physicians after September 11, 2001.
    The basis of the Frist family fortune is the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), the largest for-profit hospital chain in the country, which was founded by Frist's father and brother. “A Dragon By The Tail” by Lisa Reagan


Eli Lilly killed 200,000 people with Zyprexa.  [2014] Get Real: Peter Gøtzsche Responds 

There were 20 deaths, including 12 suicides, in the Zyprexa group. Shockingly, these deaths went unreported in the scientific literature. The death cover-ups also took place in reporting trial results of several other atypical antipsychotics. These deaths occurred during very short trial periods, so the FDA's approval of these drugs is appalling.  On June 8, 2005, Eli Lilly & Co. announced that it had agreed to pay $690 million to settle some 8,000 lawsuits filed by people who reported that taking the antipsychotic drug Zyprexa resulted in unwanted weight gain, diabetes, other metabolic diseases, and death.
    Zyprexa, Lilly's top-selling drug, is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and in the short-term treatment of manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder. More than 2,500 other claimants refused to participate in the settlement, presumably in the belief that the amount received by each claimant, $62,500 on average, was insufficient compensation for the pain and suffering Zyprexa caused them.
    On July 21, Eli Lilly came out with its second-quarter financial report showing that $1.07 billion was allocated to cover its liabilities in these lawsuits. That amount exceeded the $690 million settlement by $380 million. The additional sum was the company's estimate of its liability and defense costs for the unsettled claims [reported in Forbes.com, July 21, 2005]. News of the settlement may generate more damage claims, in which event the cost to Eli Lilly may be greater than the $1.07 billion already set aside.
Despite these facts, the media has paid scant attention to the settlement. Despite these facts, there hasn't been a single voice of outrage or protest heard in the halls of Congress or on the evening news. And despite these facts, Eli Lilly has made no special effort to warn the public of the potentially disastrous consequences of taking Zyprexa as it continues to rake in profits from the sale of this drug.
    For more than 10 years, the drug companies have consistently downplayed some of the serious risks associated with taking atypical antipsychotic drugs. Psychiatrist E. Fuller Torrey, a leading proponent of drug therapy for schizophrenics, has written about one of the techniques used to mislead physicians and the public: "Psychiatrists trying to evaluate schizophrenia drugs are not told that the expert who minimizes the side effects of Zyprexa receives a $10,000 retainer from Eli Lilly and also owns substantial company stock." [American Prospect, July 15, 2002] Zyprexa: A Prescription for Diabetes, Disease and Early Death by Leonard Roy Frank

[2009 Oct] The Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: A Deadly Fairy Tale By Dr. Doug Henderson and Dr. Gary Null  Eli Lilly flooded state Medicaid programs with Zyprexa: its superstar, antipsychotic drug. In 2003, worldwide sales of Zyprexa grossed $4.28 billion, amounting to almost one third of Lilly’s total sales. In the United States, during the same year, Zyprexa grossed $2.63 billion. A whopping 70 percent of these sales were directly related to government agencies—principally Medicaid.  Fast-forward six years to 2009, Eli Lilly pleaded guilty for having illegally marketed Zyprexa for an unapproved use to treat dementia, and will pay $1.42 billion to settle civil suits and end the criminal investigation. Lilly agreed to pay $800 million to settle civil suits. It will pay $615 million to resolve the criminal probe, and plead guilty to a misdemeanor in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act for promoting Zyprexa as a dementia treatment.
    Did Lilly also know of the possibility that Zyprexa could cause diabetes, which was also kept concealed under the protection of the FDA? They most certainly did, which makes their behavior all the more reprehensible. In 2002, British and Japanese regulatory agencies issued a warning that Zyprexa may cause diabetes. In addition, even after the FDA issued a similar warning in 2003, Lilly did not pull Zyprexa from the market. This becomes all the more understandable after it is taken into consideration that Lilly is also the largest maker of diabetes medications.


I once interviewed, on tape, a top official of Stepan, who admitted that cocaine was a by-product of their processing of coca leaves for the secret Coca-Cola base, They supply, he added, cocaine for the pharmaceutical trade. And that is where George Herbert Walker Bush has to be inserted into the picture. After eleven and a half months in 1976 as Director of Central Intelligence, he became a Director of Eli Lilly Company, which reportedly gets their cocaine from Stepan. Somewhere, somehow, cocaine "leaks out" into the dope underground. Whether between Stepan and Coke's bottlers or otherwise. COCA-COLA, CIA, and the COURTS COKE and COCAINE Part 13 by Sherman H. Skolnick

Perhaps it would be worthwhile to briefly mention that all the major chemical and drug companies are run by the Illuminati. It would take a book to explain who controls what and how they connect in, and this author could write it. Instead, we will try to give a quick over view. Rather than cover 2 dozen large drug companies, three major drug companies have been randomly selected to show a quick view of how all the drug companies are deeply involved with Monarch mind-control programming. Since the purpose of this book is to show how the mind control is done--this sample of names is given only to convey to the reader that the drugs that the Illuminati/Intelligence agencies need are never in short supply. And the labs to develop designer drugs for mind-control are not in short supply either.
    ELI LILLY CO.--Trustee of Eli Lilly Endowment Walter William Wilson - Illuminati, married to Helen Scudder (of the wealthy powerful Scudder family), prominent partner of Morgan, Stanley & Co. controlled by Henry Morgan also a member of the Illuminati. Executive Vice-pres. of Eli Lilly Landrum Bolling, represented Eli Lilly at the secret annual Dartmouth conferences, overseen by the Illuminati. Chairman of Eli Lilly Richard D. Wood, dir, of the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Chemical Bank of NY, and the Amer. Enterprise Inst. for Public Policy Research. Dir. Eli Lilly C. William Verity, Jr., dir. Chase Manhattan Bank and assoc. with U.S. intelligence, and works with Mrs. Rockefeller as a member of USTEC. Dan Quayle and George Bush (CIA director and Monarch handler) have been part of Eli Lilly management too. ----Fritz Springmeier The Illuminati Formula 3. THE USE OF DRUGS

They had many different types of drugs. I was part of the drug culture. I became very well acquainted with what marijuana was, what LSD was ... what I was given was not LSD, was not marijuana. It screwed up my mind for five years. From what I understand in dealing with LSD, they had given it in laboratory settings to people -- and everybody had a bad trip -- they were just miserable. Then they decided to do field research with that ... and there's a lot of conjecture about whether the whole hippie movement was a CIA sponsored project but that's more fantasy than reality. (Eli) Lilly Corporation in Indianapolis, as far as I understand, bought a lot of their drugs for them. Interview Ronald Howard Cohen