Farmer suicides
Human genocide 
Food Inc  Human abuse  Destroying small farmers. Suicide

[Part of the deliberate Food Inc act of  Destroying small farmers, seen in UK with  FMD suicides. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data record, there have been 166,304 farmers’ suicides in a decade since 1997 in India. Of these, 78,737 occurred in five years between 1997 and 2001. The next five years - from 2002 to 2006 – proved worse, seeing 87,567 take their lives. This means that on an average, there has been one farmer’s suicide every 30 minutes since 2002.]

See: Farmer suicides  Military suicides Suicide and pharma drugs  Suicide music Farmer suicides  FMD suicides 
Globalization  Dr. Vandana Shiva  Famine  GM foods

[2013 Jan] Indian farmers trapped and desperate The number of farmer suicides – the largest in human history – is estimated to have reached more than 300,000 and rising as we speak. Add to this the 400 a day who attempt suicide and fail, the 2,200 that daily quit farming and the one and a half million family members affected by suicides, plus the millions facing the very issues that are driving the tragedy, and the scale of the inferno begins to be clear.


[2009 April] 1,500 Farmers Commit Mass Suicide in India

[pdf 2008 Dec] Toxic Genes and Toxic Papers : IFPRI covering up the link between Bt. Cotton and Farmers Suicides by Vandana Shiva

[2008] GLOBALIZATION AND POVERTY: Interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva By Gary Null

86,922 farmer suicides in 2001-05

[2008 Nov] The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops

[2007] Economic globalisation has become a war against nature and poor by Vandana Shiva

[2004] Corporate Globalisation By Vandana Shiva

[2001 Dr Devinder Sharma interview] Montsanto Genetically Modified Cotton Pushing Indian Farmers  into a Death Trap 

Monsanto Indian Farmer Suicide