Auschwitz brothel and library
[back] Auschwitz-Birkenau

[German prostitutes could also work in the camp whorehouse, which was located on the first floor of block 24 in Auschwitz I and which had been established for specially "honoured", usually "Aryan" prisoners.1 ]

Just inside the main gate of Auschwitz was a building used during the war as a brothel for the inmates. It was not a secret that the camp had a brothel; it was mentioned in books and its existence was confirmed by the Auschwitz Museum officials. Felderer first heard about the brothel during his work for the Jehovah's Witnesses. Today, the building housed the museum's archives and library. Felderer joked with Piper, whose office was in the building, about how it felt to work in a brothel. Piper had blushed and laughed about it. (18-4266, 4267) [Ditlieb Felderer] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Large heated building had library, storage, and offices on main floor and part-time brothel upstairs (photo: 1987)

A camp library where inmates could borrow books from Forty-five thousand volumes available