Sierra Peterson

Web: Sierra Peterson

Escaping From Quantum Mind Control by Sierra Peterson 
Elite Human Trafficking: updated by Sierra Peterson

Shortly before we moved to Chicago, I had my first metaphysical experience around the age of five or six. While playing in the living room, my thoughts were overtaken by an electronic voice that projected itself into my head. Its volume was so great that it seemed to vibrate my entire being in the most unpleasant manner. It clearly told me “Your mother does not love you.” I later discovered the account of another psychotronic mind control survivor who was told this exact same phrase as part of his programming. It is apparent that the agenda here is to alienate the targeted individual, and possibly to predispose them to the narcissistic/sociopathic disorders that are found so often amongst people who did not experience a proper upbringing. Fortunately, I had the sense not to mention the incident to anyone since I believed that no one would be able to help, and more likely, they would actually cause a great deal of problems instead. Now I wonder where this internal guidance came from, since if I had told my mother about “hearing voices”, I would have invariably been labeled as schizophrenic and forcibly drugged with brain-damaging medication that would have left me a drooling and retarded vegetable. Escaping From Quantum Mind Control by Sierra Peterson