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Persecuted doctors

WAR on holistic MDs

State tries to ban accurate and pain-free sensitivity testing

by Dr Jonathan Wright, M.D.


In 1986, I was still testing children for allergies with "mainstream" methods. Tahoma Clinic technicians literally spent hours sticking needles into often-screaming children to try to determine allergies and sensitivities. That year, I had the opportunity to compare conventional needlestick testing to a screening method called Electro-acupuncture According to Voll (EAV) over a three-month period.

The EAV was clearly superior in both methods and results. It was also more humane, less time-consuming, and less expensive. Word spread, and all the parents of sensitive children insisted that I use it for their children. I've been working with EAV ever since.

Channeling your energy

EAV-sometimes called EDS (electrodermal testing), MSA (meridian stress analysis), and other names-is based on the traditional acupuncture meridian system. Acupuncture works on the principle that there is a network of energy channels, called meridians, spread throughout the body. In 1950, EAV's namesake, Reinhold Voll, M.D., of Germany, developed a means of measuring resistance to the flow of very tiny (and safe) electrical currents at acupuncture points found on these meridians. Then in 1980, scientists in the United States developed the computerized versions of the technology that we still use today.

EAV is not used to diagnose or treat disease, as defined by "conven- tional" medicine, nor is it used to define disease based on clinically manifested symptoms. It's used to assess the body's energy balance. By identifying imbalances, the EAV can help holistic physicians select a course of action to restore balance. The machines are also used to estimate an individual's compatibility with foods, inhalants, and other substances.

Because the technology is employed only as a topical (touching the skin) evaluation, it is non-invasive and completely safe. EAV procedures and equipment are complements to (not replacements for) a holistic doctor's diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and equipment.  Remedies used in conjunction with the EAV services are typically dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines.

Eenie, meenie, miney, moe

-is there a method to M"Q"AC's madness?

But someone at the Washington State Department of Health and Medical "Quality" Assurance Commission (or M"Q"AC, which everyone in Washington State pronounces "M-quack," apparently oblivious to the implications) appears to have particular animosity towards EAV. I told you in June that Dr. Geoffrey Ames had his medical license suspended for five years just for demonstrating an EAV device for a patient. In order to continue in practice, he was forced to stop using his EAV equipment.

In another situation, the Washington State Attorney General's Office, acting for the Washington State Department of Health, convicted Monte Klein, Ph.D., of practicing medicine without a license in part for using EAV equipment in his health-counseling practice (Seattle Times October 1, 2005).

That's right...Dr. Ames, a medical doctor with a medical license was convicted by M"Q"AC because of the proposed use of EAV, while (Ph.D.) Dr. Klein was convicted for practicing medicine without a medical "license"-for actually using EAV!

Now I know why Washington State's recently adopted official slogan is "Say WA?" (No kidding, that's an official Washington State slogan. See http://experiencewashington.com.)

In March I received a preliminary investigation letter from M"Q"AC alleging that a complaint had been filed claiming that a number of procedures advertised on our website were inefficacious an/or illegal. It specifically mentioned "sensitivity screening via non-invasive measures"-their code for EAV.

EAV clearly isn't illegal. Today's EAV devices are manufactured in these United States, and as far as I know, none have been "seized" since los Federales' notorious gun-toting "B-vitamin bust" here at the Tahoma Clinic in 1992. And at that time, despite two grand juries convened by los Federales, nothing at the clinic, including EAV, was found to be illegal. So what about "inefficacious"?

Despite the superior results that everyone observed-parents and staff alike-I've never had funding to conduct a formal study. But ICON Health and Fitness Systems has. ICON Health and Fitness Systems is headquartered in Logan, Utah, and is the world's largest manufacturer of home exercise equipment, with annual sales in 1999 of $710 million and a staff of 4,239. 

From June 1, 1998 through May 31, 1999, ICON Health and Fitness Systems conducted an outcomes study of the effectiveness of EAV in improving employee health and saving money for the self-funded corporate health care plan. (Outcome studies focus on results of a treatment, rather than what the treatment is and how it works.)

According to a report written by ICON's Human Resources Director Douglas Younker: "The "bottom line" results of the study were very favorable. Participants evaluated in the final audit had experienced a 75% (93% for children) reduction in symptoms weighted for severity. Participants reported improvement in the quality of their life ranging from 0% to 100% and averaging 45%. Most participants have continued to enjoy better health and lower healthcare costs beyond the one-year study period."

Mr. Younker gave many examples of EAV testing and treatment. I'll cite only one, which is an excellent representation of the experience of many of those children and parents who switched to EAV at Tahoma Clinic in 1986.

Sam, age 3, and Karl, age 1, were both considered ADD/ADHD, and their parents wanted to put them on Ritalin. The [EAV testing] showed a possible sensitivity to food dyes. The parents have since changed the boys' diets, and they are no longer hyperactive. The two MDs who had treated them earlier couldn't find anything wrong with them. Savings: $635/yr. and one mother's nerves.

Inefficacious? I don't think so, and neither does ICON Health and Fitness Systems. But apparently the Washington State M"Q"AC thinks so.

Say WA?

If you haven't already done so, please consider helping all of us in our efforts. Again, your calls, letters, e-mails, and other communications to the numbers and addresses below will be very helpful.

Washington State Department of Health,
Health Professions Quality Assurance
P.O. Box 47865
Olympia, WA  98504
phone: (360)236-4700
e-mail: hpqa.csc@doh.wa.gov

Governor Christine Gregoire
Office of the Governor
P.O. Box 40002
Olympia, WA  98504
phone: (360)902-4111
To send an e-mail, go to www.governor.wa.gov/

Washington State residents: It's very important to contact your state senator and state representatives. Find them at: http://www1.leg.wa.gov/  legislature/ or call (800)562-6000.