

The various foods we eat supply the body with three kinds of foodstuffs — proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. In general, animal foods (beef, pork, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs) supply proteins and fats, with a small amount of carbohydrate in the form of glycogen. Grains, vegetables, and fruits supply mainly carbohydrates with varying amounts of protein and fat.

Protein constitutes by far the greater part of animal tissues and it is essential that human diet contain adequate amounts of good protein. Proteins are essential for growth, repair, replacement, the production of immune bodies needed to combat infection, the production of glandular substances, enzymes, etc. Life without protein is impossible. The importance of protein is suggested by the fact that the term is derived from the Greek and means "of first importance."

All proteins are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Some contain, in addition, iron, phosphorus, or sulphur. Proteins are usually classified as high-grade proteins, which are those of high biological value; and low-grade proteins, which are those of low biological value. Proteins of high biological value are found in animal foods; those of low biological value are found in plant foods. High biological value proteins more nearly resemble the proteins of human tissues in chemical make-up than do the proteins of lower biological value. Obviously, it is more advantageous to eat animal protein than plant protein.

Carbohydrates consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and are produced by all plant life from carbon dioxide and water under the influence of sunlight, in a process called photosynthesis. Under the general heading of carbohydrates we distinguish sugars, starches, and forms which are neither sugar nor starch since they do not react specifically to chemical tests for sugar and starch. This distinction is extremely important because there is evidence that only sugar starch can cause low blood sugar. Carbohydrate such as, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage, which contain no sugar and no starch do not cause low blood sugar. This difference in behavior is due, no doubt, to a difference in chemical structure.

Fats consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and chemically are made up of glycerol in combination with palmitic, and oleic acids. Fats are found in all animal foods, dairy products, eggs, some grains, vegetables, and fruits. Fats do not have any depressant effect on the blood and so there are no restrictions in their consumption. Fats may be eaten, therefore, in any quantity according to individual taste and tolerance. In humans, fats are less responsible for obesity than sugar and starch. In those persons with a tendency to obesity all excess sugar and starch is readily converted to fat and stored as such throughout body. I have observed individuals for years on a diet of protein, fat, and little or no sugar and starch, and maintained normal weights in spite of increased fat. Livestock are fattened for market chiefly by feeding them corn, grain, feeds, all of which contain large of starch.



I advise that, during an epidemic, sugar and all foods containing sugar, be avoided, and that foods containing starch be consumed in reduced amounts. Those foods containing no sugar and no starch may be eaten in unlimited quantity. Below are listed common foods containing either sugar or starch or both, and those containing no sugar and no starch. Since sugars are to be eliminated and starch consumption reduced, the calories needed for proper nutrition will be derived from an increased consumption of proteins, fats, and permitted carbohydrate foods.


The following foods should be avoided: sugar, soft drinks, ice cream, ices, sherbets, cakes, candies, cookies, wafers, pastries, pies, fruit juices, canned and preserved fruits, jams, jellies, marmalades, puddings, honey, syrups.


Coffee, tea, cocoa, lemonade, etc., may be sweetened with saccharin. Ice cream, ices, and custards may be prepared with saccharin. So-called "diabetic desserts" and food preparations may be used.

Nuts may be eaten in unlimited quantity except the starchy ones such as peanuts, cashews, chestnuts, and cocoa-nuts. These should be eaten sparingly.

The following foods should be eaten in reduced quantity because they contain starch:

beans, dried

beans, lima

tapioca macaroni crackers


peas, dried split potatoes, white or sweet


spaghetti vermicelli breads




oat preparations rice preparations rye preparations corn preparations wheat preparations


The following fresh fruits should be eaten only in limited quantity because of their sugar content:

oranges grapefruit lemons limes honey dew melons cantaloupe
watermelon apples

pears peaches

strawberries blueberries blackberries -
raspberries grapes cherries plums

Fresh fruits are permitted, but only one portion should be taken with a meal, i.e., one apple or one orange. The sugar in fruits may cause low blood sugar if they are eaten in excess. Fruit juices, canned fruits, dried fruits, preserved fruits, should be avoided. Fruits may be stewed without sugar. Apples may be baked without sugar. Tomato juice is allowed since it contains no natural sugar.

The following carbohydrate foods contain little or starch and may be eaten in unlimited quantity:


artichokes asparagus avocados

bamboo shoots beans, wax

beans, string


beets, red





sprouts cauliflower


chard, swiss



eggplant endive,leaves

greens, beet

greens,dandelion greens, turnip





mushrooms okra

onions parsley parsnips

peas, fresh

peppers pumpkins radishes rhubarb rutabagas sorrel




watercress horseradish




capers mayonnaise

All animal foods may be eaten in unlimited quantity Such foods are: beef, pork, lamb, mutton, veal, poultry, fish These may be purchased fresh, canned, smoked, dried, etc. Eggs can be used freely whether fresh or dried All dairy products may be eaten in unlimited quantities milk, buttermilk, fermented milk, butter, sweet and sour cream and all cheeses. Milk may be fresh, evaporated, or powdered




fresh fruit or tomato juice

eggs, any style; two or more eggs, if desired bacon, ham, fish, cheese, or other meat

1 slice bread or 4 soda crackers

butter or oleomargarine

beverage; milk, coffee, tea, cocoa, all without sugar; saccharin may be substituted for sugar

This breakfast may be varied according to taste, capacity, and appetite. Some individuals are satisfied with fruit, eggs, bread and butter, coffee. Others wish to eat meat, fish, or cheese. There is no limitation on the amounts of permitted foods. If cereals are eaten at all, the quantity should be very small, and only saccharin should be used for sweetening.




tomato juice, broth, or soup containing permitted vegetables, but no rice, noodles or other starch

meat, fish, or poultry (as much as desired) permitted vegetables, raw or cooked salad, with or without dressing

1 slice bread or 4 crackers

butter or oleomargarine

beverage; milk, coffee, tea, or cocoa, with saccharin, if desired

permitted fresh fruit



tomato juice, or broth, or soup

combination salad: egg, sardines, salmon, cold cuts, etc. cheese, sour cream

1 slice bread or 4 crackers butter or oleomargarine beverage, as above permitted fresh fruit



oysters, shrimp, tomato juice, broth, soup meat, fish, poultry, omelet permitted vegetables salad

1 slice bread or 4 crackers butter or oleomargarine beverage, as above nuts, permitted fresh fruit, cheese



oysters, shrimp, tomato juice, broth, soup combination salad, cold cuts, cheese, eggs, sour cream permitted vegetables salad

1 slice bread or 4 crackers butter or oleomargarine beverage, as above nuts, permitted fresh fruit, cheese

Soybean muffins made from pure soy flour may be used in unlimited quantity as a substitute for bread and crackers. Natural gravies are preferred to gravies thickened with wheat flour.



1. Cold cuts of meat or poultry; parsnips fried in butter; pickles; lettuce; tomato juice.

2. Hard boiled eggs; sliced cold boiled carrots; cheese; walnuts; milk.

3. Cold roast lamb or fried eggs; fried in egg batter and soybean flour; season; slices of eggplant; piddes; milk or or beef ion, hot or cold.

4. Slices of tripe fried in batter of egg and soybean flour; or hard boiled egg; lettuce; celery stuffed with cheese; milk or tomato juice.

5. Vegetable salad (no potatoes) with dressing, carried in a jar; soybean muffins or soda crackers; salted nuts; clear milk or tomato juice.

6. Hot soup or broth carried in a thermos bottle; soda crackers soybean crackers or muffins; cheese; milk or tomato juice.

7. Summer squash dipped in beaten egg and fried in oil or butter and sprinkled with grated Romano or other cheese, well seasoned; cold roast chicken or turkey; milk or tomato juice consomme.

8. Left-over meat or poultry chopped fine with grated cheese, seasoned, and stuffed into green peppers; olives, radishes, milk or tomato juice.

9. Finely chopped cabbage fried slowly in bacon fat; add green peas and some tomato paste, a dash of paprika, strong cheese, to make an omelette; may be carried in a covered with waxed paper; olives; milk or tomato juice.

10. Chopped nuts mixed with a paste of hard boiled eggs to which a little oil is added, a pinch of chili powder; this may be rolled in tender cabbage leaves steamed for 30 minutes; may be eaten cold with pickles and cheese; milk or tomato juice or bouillon.

11. Cocktail frankfurters; pickled beets; olives; lettuce; chopped mixed nut salad; hot consomme.

12. Pickled peppers with thin slices of roast or boiled chicken or turkey, dusted with chili powder and rolled into lettuce leaves; milk or tomato juice.

13. Pickled eggs; sauerkraut; cheese; soybean crackers or soda crackers; milk, buttermilk, or tomato juice.

14. Left-over chicken, veal, roast pork, chopped fine and mixed together, well seasoned and pressed into patties, fried in oil or butter to make a sandwich surface for pimento cheese as a filler; milk or tomato juice.

15. Thin codfish cakes with a slice of ripe tomato placed between the cakes; tomato juice or milk.

16. Italian or other sausage fried in oil; celery; cheese; crackers; tomato juice.

17. Flank steak, laid out flat, covered with tomato paste, add finely chopped green peppers and celery, mashed green peas, season with chili powder, salt, pepper (garlic if desired), sprinkle with a few mint leaves and grated cheese, roll entire mass tightly, tie every two inches with string, steam on rack for 30 minutes and then bake until done in hot oven; cool. Can be carried as a meat roll for lunch.

The above suggestions may be altered to taste. Ripe tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers or celery may be added to any lunch; pickled pigs’ feet, cold boiled lobster meat, canned salmon or tuna may be added to lunch box.
