Kendrick test
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[The usefulness of animal testing is shown by this test.]

"Kendrick test for effectiveness:
Staff will use several groups of mice and inject into their brains different amounts of whooping cough bacteria several times, until they establish the exact amount that will kill exactly half of the injected mice.
    When the right dose is established they use two new groups of mice. Group A is injected with the vaccine. Group B get none. After a few weeks the exact amount of bacteria that killed half the mice is then injected into every mouse's brain.
    Then they watch the mice. In the unvaccinated group, presumably half the mice die. In the vaccinated group, if fewer mice die than in the unvaccinated group, then they assume that vaccine is going to work in your baby.
    The Kendrick test is supposed to "correlate with protection" or prove that the vaccine works. Which is patently a nonsense. The biggest proof of that stares you right in the face. Vaccinated babies and children catch whooping cough. Another proof is the fact that the number of injections you are told your child needs increases every few years.  The article says that the Kendrick test is inadequate. So even they must see that it isn't relevant to humans.
"--Just A Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler p. 116

See: Healthy trial babies only  Mouse toxicity test Hist mouse test  Vaccines used to induce disease in animals