Black eyes

Has anyone seen a shapeshift ?

Beyonce  [vid] Satanism In The Music Industry: Lucifer Shows up at Super Bowl 47- Beyonce EXPOSED

[2010] The Reptilian Stare: Psychopath’s pupil dilation when you are the target   Having been a surviving victim of manslaughter at the hands of a registered psychopath (who had been in and out of jail since 14 years old and had murdered a man only months before becoming obsessed with me) I would welcome anyone to investigate into why the psychopaths “crystal blue” eyes turned death jet black, (like a sharks eyes). I began nursing at 16 year old and am now 50. This is not the first time I have come across this anomoly.

Invasion of the Black-Eyed People. Encounters with strange beings said to be "inhuman" By Stephen Wagner

[2008] Black-Eyed Customer

Downfall of man they called Cocky: Europe's most wanted criminal had a taste for killing and a £300m drugs fortune

Excellent review of what I have researched. Having been a surviving victim of manslaughter at the hands of a registered psychopath (who had been in and out of jail since 14 years old and had murdered a man only months before becoming obsessed with me) I would welcome anyone to investigate into why the psycopaths “crystal blue” eyes turned death jet black,(like a sharks eyes).
I began nursing at 16 year old and am now 50. This is not the first time I have come across this anomoly.
I would also like to remind all that ‘many’ must suffer these same afflictions yet control themselves, and are an example to those who use this affliction to perpetrate further. This cannot be allowed to turn into “the poor psychopath or sociopath that needs our help”. They must be held accountable for their choices. Blue turns black. What would cause that? ---Psychopaths (sociopaths): White matter, unplugged

For the record, when a lizard or kinsmen starts to shift, it’s usually the eyes that go first. Either into interior slits or exterior slits, depending upon the purity of the bloodline, level of demonic possession, and environmental factors. This is always stage one. And every time. Ever notice people who wear sunglasses indoors or at night? Guess who…
     If the eyes go black, this indicates that very often the inhabiting soul is demonically possessed by several demons or the soul itself is completely black, usually conceived in a demonic ritual, so designed to attract black souls to the family. Lot of that around.
 Sometimes, it’s combinations. Sometimes, the white part of the eyes turn yellow or red, both of which I’ve seen, depending upon the degree of rage flowing through the reptoid. I’ve also seen the center of the eye go red, usually when blind rage is flowing through them. This explains the long-standing gag about seeing red when one is angry. For lizards maybe…
    Anger, lust, hate, and the like generally make for the shifting more likely. I’ve observed this closely and have found that if they let their minds wander into orgiastic sex, doing an act of cruelty, or sink into total contempt, this forces a general shift of the eyes to slits. To combat this, they use time-tested forms of self-hypnosis and mind control to keep things in control. Sometimes, they just can’t help themselves.
     Stage two is a slight green haze around the jaw-line just below the ears. This indicates that they are about to morph into their reptilian aspects. If they are indoors, so what. If they are in public, and they are having problems getting control, they usually make some quick excuse to leave to wherever. Also during stage two, you’ll notice that their tongue gets extremely snake-like, able to extend far beyond the lips and moving quickly. That is quite a sight to behold.
     After this point, comes stage three. This one is a mind-blower at first. But after the first few dozen sightings, it becomes very common. The skin on their face, hands, etc, starts to develop lines, like they are aging extremely fast right before your eyes. Smooth skin starts to wrinkle, sage and change shape around the original bone structure. This happens very fast. In a blink of an eye and you’ll be hard-pressed to see it in public. At this point, they full well know they are in shift mode. If they are among kindred spirits, they don’t care. Think “private parties” and you get the idea.
     Stage four is going completely lizard. They no longer look human by any measure of accepted reality. Their speech slurs and hisses. Their eyes flash. Like that. I’ve seen this a few times, when they were unaware of my presence.---Reptilian video evidence By Don Bradley

Die Antwoord

Biden, Joseph