Fear of Death
Fearmongering  Spiritual   Religions

[Fear of death is the result of Evil propaganda, part and parcel of it's Fearmongering and Atheism agenda. When we die we go back into our Soul or Light body, we Go Home, as Carol Two Eagle said.   We go back to Heaven, our Spirit is immortal, there is no Hell, the Authoritarian Religions invented hell as a control tool.  The body is 'just' a vehicle to play the 'game' of life, to live, which is Evil spelled backwards, coincidently.]

See: Near Death Experiences (NDE)

[2015 May] Professor David Nutt: Why I think the terminally ill should take LSD

[2010 Oct] Meet Carol Two Eagle  "But even if you kill me, that doesn't mean you have power over me. I know for a fact that until a person's number is up, it's not; & when it is, there's nothing anyone can do about it. So if you kill me, all it proves is that Tunkashila truly does work in Mysterious Ways, & chose you as the instrument by which I get to go home. If you kill me, it means my shift is over; & I'm going home. Nothing more. And we both know that, too.” Les Davis cocked the gun & put his finger on the trigger. I sat there waiting. He started to shake & he put the gun down & said, “With faith like that, we're doomed!” “It's what I pray for, FBI.”, I said.

The Reptoid establishment however, has only one purpose, to detach the Monkeys of the Spiritual Forests of God and predate on them. In order to do that - it must paint a picture of death and finite constraints. Thus it builds religions out of death, and sets up barriers between the questing souls and God. It denies us eternity and says that our souls are but material that will perish. It says that our eternity is small and constrained - and denies us the scientific advance we need to explore it.
    It gives the monkey no hope in a world that is a diseased slaughterhouse, and using its telepathic predators, harvests the despair of monkey dissolution whilst opening up the monkey soul and shell to the frightening possibility of demonic reptile possession.
    At that point, the monkeys are faced with a science that cannot or will not explain its predicament, and telepathic reptoid wise men and doctors who do know but perpetuate the disease and the hosting in the name of their ancient ancestors. The monkeys have nowhere to turn except to believe that they are mentally and spiritually diseased and blind to the reptoid deceit and motives happily partake of destructive pharmaceuticals in the misplaced trust that these chemicals will make their problem go away.
    The only cure for mismanaged reality, however, is Truth. Andrew Hennessey   Chapter 4-6 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth

"There will be no more religions. Not only would the existence of a priest class remain a constant danger to our rule, but belief in an afterlife would give spiritual strength to irreconcilable elements in many countries, and enable them to resist us." ---RABBI RABINOVICH'S SPEECH OF JANUARY 12TH, 1952