
[A negative walk-in is a human who has been 'body jumped/snatched ' and the human soul pushed out by a Reptilian soul, so you have a Reptilian in a human body, called Reptoids.  You can see it in the Eyes, a loss of spirit (soul and heart), and a darkness (Before and after).]

Before and after (visual)
Before and after (audio visual)

Nature of Reptilian Shapeshifting and Hosting Process From: Bruce Fleming

The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC

In Michael Relfe’s case, he describes what he calls, black meta-technology.  This is a type of black magic that includes high technology science, alien technology and occult black magic. It ranges from alien implants, to love relationship “energy” engineering, remote influencing, high-speed subliminal programming, time travel progression and regression, demonic layering-entity attachment, and complex soul consciousness transferring from one body to another or in “cloned” bodies...............They are parasites in a cosmic and spiritual sense--soul eaters--for want of a better term.  [2009 Dec] Interview with Lilu Tuatha—a MILAB Abductee By Eve Lorgen, M.A.

The host will need all the resources possible to undertake his part in the Reptilian Agenda. The Host is known for his ability to get things done. He has no conscience therefore any boundaries to keep him from carrying out his agenda. The emotion of love and humanity is foreign to him. The Host is also very visceral and body oriented and dwells in the darker areas of sexuality. They like multiple partners and deviant sexual acts. They have disgusting habits and no understanding of manners or social awareness unless it furthers their agenda. At that time, they mimic societal behavior and demonstrate a pseudo-sensitivity and pseudo emotions to create the illusion of a normal caring person. Hosts are great manipulators of people through lies, mind games and mind control techniques. They love to destroy the spiritual nature of all individuals they encounter. When in positions of political power as they usually are, they play out their dramas, nation against nation creating chaos, hate and destruction. The Birth of a Host By Cassie

The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC I have concluded because of these experiences that Brian is a combination of a reptilian spirit controlling a human spirit in a single human body and Brian has described this. They have body snatched a human but they keep the human spirit there. A worker in the Dulce underground base named Thomas 4 confirms this when he states " they know how to separate the bioplasmic body from the physical body to place an alien entity life-force matrix within a human body after removing the "soul" life-force matrix of the human. The life-force matrix would I assume be the spirit. I also have evidence that the reptilian and human spirits are technically joined at the mental level. Brian has in fact told me after the event "I'm the reptilian and I just use him (the human), I ain't no human, well he's part of me, but he ain't me, you know what I mean" and "they don't exactly coexist it's more like the alien has overwhelmed the human, the reptilian is now in the drivers seat." and by this I assume he means the mind of the reptilian is in control. I deduce that the human spirit is needed to coordinating the body which the reptilian can't do. How can this be possible? - With Spirit technology which they have.

2011 June. Audio] Thomas Sheridan - The Labyrinth of the Psychopath & The Intraspecies Predators   It is almost as if there is a predatory consciousness, that is out there and just jumps into the human body

The reptilian-Illuminati bloodlines view themselves as the children of the "gods", from whom they have been given the absolute right to rule over humanity.
    In order to retain their dominant reptilian traits and shapeshifting talent, these families must interbreed religiously. They need to have a certain configuration of reptilian genetic code within their DNA to maintain their connection and value to the master races, the "gods", who provide them the knowledge and tools they need to control humanity. Their ability to be possessed may also depend on this.
    By the same token, if they end up excessively dominant to the reptilian side, it becomes very difficult for them to assume and hold human form, which carries its own set of problems. Given how important this is to their ability to remain on top, it's not surprising that they keep such meticulous records of family trees and genetic histories.
    As the vibratory rate increases during this Great Shift, and more Light enters the Universe, the reptilians are finding that their control grid (hive mind) is having a harder time suppressing human consciousness, keeping it contained within the box.
    I believe this is the reason why their attacks have intensified dramatically in recent years - fluoride, mercury, aluminum, excitotoxins, parasites, drugs of all kinds, TV, subliminal*, cell phones/towers, chemtrails, HAARP, etc. The goal is to break down the human brain (pineal gland) to such an extent that it can no longer support higher consciousness. FrequencyFence